Essential Small Business eCommerce Strategies for Growth

May 11, 2023
Kenny Trusnik

As a small business eCommerce owner, navigating the online marketplace can be both challenging and rewarding. To ensure success in the online marketplace, this blog post will explore various strategies for optimizing your eCommerce store.

Selecting the proper eCommerce platform is essential in ascertaining how effectively your goods get to your intended consumer base. We’ll discuss features offered by popular platforms such as Squarespace, Magento, and BigCommerce to help you make an informed decision.

A clear company value proposition sets your brand apart from competitors. We’ll explore ways to identify unique selling points and effectively communicate them to potential customers.

Optimizing website design and content visibility is essential for small business eCommerce growth. Responsive web design and effective SEO strategies are integral components of this process which we will examine further in our discussion.

Social media presence plays a significant role in building relationships with consumers; we’ll share tips on utilizing Facebook Groups or Pages for engagement purposes while also participating in community-driven events like Small Business Saturday.

Last but not least, embracing augmented reality technology has become increasingly important within the world of small business eCommerce. We’ll highlight benefits of incorporating AR into your strategy along with examples of successful implementations among other businesses similar to yours.

Table of Contents

Choosing the Right eCommerce Platform

Selecting an appropriate platform for your small business is crucial to ensure a smooth online selling experience. Trusted SaaS providers offer built-in SEO tools and efficient inventory management systems that cater to beginners as well as digital marketing experts. Some popular options include Squarespace, Magento, and BigCommerce.

Omnichannel Selling Features of Squarespace

Squarespace is known for its visually appealing templates, making it easy for small businesses to create professional-looking websites without extensive design skills. Squarespace’s omnichannel capabilities let you distribute products through various outlets, such as Instagram, Facebook, Amazon and more – allowing for a broader reach while keeping branding consistent. This helps in reaching a wider audience while maintaining consistency in branding.

Strong Focus on SEO Capabilities in Magento

Magento is an open-source eCommerce platform that offers robust SEO capabilities out-of-the-box. It allows users to customize meta tags, URLs, sitemaps, and other essential elements necessary for improving search engine rankings. Additionally, with thousands of available extensions from their marketplace, Magento provides endless possibilities for customization tailored specifically towards your business needs.

Tailored Functionality for Digital Marketing Experts in BigCommerce

  • Email Marketing Integration: BigCommerce seamlessly integrates with leading email marketing services like Mailchimp or Klaviyo which makes it easier than ever before to engage customers through personalized campaigns.
  • Affiliate Program Support: With support for popular affiliate programs like ShareASale or Commission Junction (CJ), you can easily set up and manage your own affiliate network to drive more sales.
  • Advanced SEO Tools: BigCommerce provides advanced SEO tools such as customizable URL structures, canonical tags, and Google AMP support that help improve search engine rankings for your online store.

In conclusion, choosing the right eCommerce platform is essential for small businesses looking to succeed in the competitive world of online selling. Each platform offers unique features tailored towards specific business needs, so it’s important to evaluate which one aligns best with your company’s goals and requirements before making a decision.

Selecting an appropriate eCommerce platform is a critical element in constructing a successful digital store. With this knowledge, you can now move on to establishing a clear company value proposition that will help differentiate your brand from competitors.


Key Takeaway: 

Choosing the right eCommerce platform is crucial for small businesses to succeed in online selling. Squarespace offers omnichannel selling features, Magento provides strong focus on SEO capabilities and BigCommerce has tailored functionality for digital marketing experts. Each platform offers unique features that cater to specific business needs, so it’s important to evaluate which one aligns best with your company’s goals and requirements before making a decision.

Establishing a Clear Company Value Proposition

To stand out from competitors and leverage emerging technologies like AR, it is critical to have a distinct company value proposition that showcases the advantages of your brand. This will help you differentiate yourself despite potential price competition challenges posed by emerging technologies like augmented reality (AR).

Identifying Your Unique Selling Points

Your unique selling points (USPs) are the features or benefits that set your business apart from others in the market. To identify these USPs, consider factors such as product quality, customer service, pricing strategy and any other aspects that make your offerings special. Once you’ve identified your USPs, ensure they’re prominently displayed on your website and marketing materials.

  • Product Quality: Emphasize the craftsmanship and durability of your products.
  • Customer Service: Highlight how responsive and helpful your team is when addressing customer concerns.
  • Pricing Strategy: Showcase any discounts or promotions available to customers who shop with you online.

Communicating Your Brand Values Effectively

In addition to identifying what sets you apart from competitors, it’s important to communicate those values effectively through consistent branding across all channels. This includes using cohesive visual elements like logos and color schemes while also maintaining a consistent tone of voice throughout written content. By doing so, customers will be able to easily recognize and remember your brand identity over time.

A great example of effective brand communication is TOMS Shoes, which has built its reputation on a unique “One for One” business model that donates a pair of shoes to someone in need for every purchase made. This strong social mission not only sets TOMS apart from other shoe retailers but also resonates with customers who appreciate the company’s commitment to making a positive impact.

By establishing a clear value proposition and effectively communicating your brand values, you’ll be better equipped to navigate the competitive landscape of eCommerce while fostering customer loyalty and trust in your small business.

Developing a distinct corporate mission is fundamental to cultivating confidence with your clients and constructing an effective brand identity. By refining your website’s layout and content visibility, you can make sure potential customers can quickly find the data they require about your company.


Key Takeaway: 

To stand out in the competitive world of eCommerce, small businesses need to establish a clear value proposition and identify their unique selling points. Effective communication of brand values through consistent branding is also crucial for fostering customer loyalty and trust. TOMS Shoes provides an excellent example of effective brand communication with its “One for One” business model that resonates with customers who appreciate the company’s commitment to making a positive impact.

Optimizing Your Website Design and Content Visibility

A modern website design should be clean, user-friendly, trusted, and virus-free while maximizing content visibility through search engine optimization (SEO) techniques. Improving Google ranking requires optimizing websites for mobile devices since more people access sites via smartphones than desktop computers.

Importance of Responsive Web Design

In today’s digital age, having a responsive web design is crucial to ensure that your eCommerce site looks great on all devices. This means that the layout and images adjust automatically to fit different screen sizes without compromising the user experience. According to a Statista report, 54% of global website traffic comes from mobile devices in 2023. By implementing responsive web design principles, you can cater to this growing audience segment and improve your site’s performance on search engines like Google.

Implementing Effective SEO Strategies

To maximize content visibility online, it’s essential to employ effective SEO strategies. These include keyword research, creating high-quality content relevant to your niche market, and using proper meta tags such as title tags and descriptions for each page or product listing on your site.

  • Keyword Research: Identify keywords related to your products or services that potential customers are likely searching for online. Use tools like Google Keyword Planner or Ahrefs Keywords Explorer to find the most relevant and high-traffic keywords for your business.
  • High-Quality Content: Create informative, engaging, and original content that addresses the needs of your target audience. This can include blog posts, product descriptions, how-to guides, and more. Make sure to incorporate your chosen keywords naturally within the text.
  • Meta Tags: Use proper meta tags such as title tags and descriptions for each page on your site. These help search engines understand what each page is about while providing users with a brief summary in search results.

Incorporating these SEO strategies into your eCommerce website will not only improve its visibility online but also enhance user experience and drive organic traffic from potential customers searching for products or services like yours. Small businesses and business owners can benefit greatly from selling online through an online store, which can help expand their customer base and increase revenue.

Optimizing website design and content visibility can help customers quickly and easily access the information they require. Leveraging social media presence is another way to engage with potential customers and build brand awareness.


Key Takeaway: 

To succeed in small business ecommerce, it is important to optimize website design and content visibility through SEO techniques. This includes implementing responsive web design principles, conducting effective keyword research, creating high-quality content relevant to your niche market, and using proper meta tags for each page or product listing on your site. By doing so, you can improve your Google ranking and drive organic traffic from potential customers searching for products or services like yours.

Leveraging Social Media Presence

A strong social media presence is essential for small businesses looking to thrive in the eCommerce landscape. It helps foster communication between consumers, supports local initiatives like Small Business Saturday, and provides a platform to showcase your products or services effectively. In this section, we will discuss how you can engage with customers through Facebook Groups or Pages and participate in community-driven events.

Utilizing Facebook Groups or Pages for Customer Engagement

Facebook Pages are an excellent way to establish your brand’s online presence and connect with potential customers. Facebook Pages provide a platform to advertise new products, discounts, and events while also offering customers an opportunity to give their opinion. To further enhance engagement, consider creating a Facebook Group specifically tailored to your niche audience where members can ask questions, share their experiences with your products/services, and interact directly with your team.

  • Create engaging content that resonates with your audience by sharing behind-the-scenes stories of product development or company milestones.
  • Encourage user-generated content by hosting contests or asking customers to submit photos/videos using your products.
  • Maintain regular posting schedules while monitoring analytics data such as likes, shares, and comments to optimize future posts based on performance insights.

Participating in Community-Driven Events Like Small Business Saturday

Beyond maintaining an active social media presence throughout the year, it’s crucial to participate in community-driven events like Small Business Saturday. This annual event encourages consumers to shop at local stores and support their communities, making it an excellent opportunity for small businesses to gain exposure and attract new customers. Here are some ways you can make the most of this initiative:

  • Collaborate with other local businesses by offering joint promotions or hosting a shared event.
  • Promote your participation on social media using relevant hashtags such as #ShopSmall or #SmallBizSat.
  • Create exclusive offers or discounts specifically for Small Business Saturday shoppers.

Generating brand recognition, strengthening customer commitment, and augmenting sales for your small business can be aided by executing these approaches in your eCommerce marketing plan. As a small business owner, selling online can be a great way to expand your customer base and reach new audiences. By leveraging social media and participating in community-driven events, you can establish a strong online presence and connect with potential customers in a meaningful way.

Utilizing social media can be a great tool to interact with customers, however there are other cutting-edge solutions that small businesses should explore. Embracing augmented reality technology is an excellent next step for eCommerce business owners looking to increase customer engagement.


Key Takeaway: 

Small businesses can thrive in the eCommerce landscape by leveraging social media presence and participating in community-driven events like Small Business Saturday. Utilizing Facebook Groups or Pages for customer engagement, creating engaging content that resonates with your audience, encouraging user-generated content, maintaining regular posting schedules while monitoring analytics data are some ways to build brand awareness and foster customer loyalty. Collaborating with other local businesses, promoting participation on social media using relevant hashtags such as #ShopSmall or #SmallBizSat and creating exclusive offers or discounts specifically for Small Business Saturday shoppers can help attract new customers and drive sales growth.

Embracing Augmented Reality Technology

By leveraging AR technology, small businesses can gain a competitive edge by providing customers with an immersive and personalized shopping experience. By offering virtual product visualization before purchasing, AR accommodates diverse customer backgrounds and preferences.

Benefits of Incorporating AR into Your eCommerce Strategy

  • Enhanced customer engagement: Integrating AR allows users to interact with products in a more engaging way, leading to increased interest and potential sales. For example, furniture retailers can use AR apps that allow customers to visualize items within their homes.
  • Better-informed purchase decisions: Providing realistic visualizations through AR helps reduce the likelihood of returns by ensuring customers have a clear understanding of the product’s appearance and dimensions before buying.
  • Differentiation from competitors: Adopting innovative technologies like AR sets you apart from other businesses in your niche, positioning your brand as forward-thinking and tech-savvy.

Examples of Successful AR Implementation in Small Businesses

A number of small businesses have successfully integrated augmented reality into their eCommerce platforms. Here are two examples worth noting:
  1. Tenth Street Hats: This online hat retailer uses an AR try-on feature, allowing shoppers to virtually “try on” hats and see how they look from different angles. This feature has led to increased customer satisfaction and reduced return rates.
  2. Wanna Kicks: A mobile app that lets users virtually try on sneakers, Wanna Kicks enables customers to visualize various styles before purchasing, making it easier for them to find the perfect pair of shoes.


Incorporating AR technology into your small business eCommerce strategy can provide numerous benefits, including enhanced customer engagement, better-informed purchase decisions, and differentiation from competitors. By staying ahead of emerging technologies like augmented reality, you’ll position your brand as innovative and adaptable in a rapidly evolving digital landscape.


Key Takeaway: 

Small businesses can compete with larger companies by embracing augmented reality (AR) technology in their eCommerce strategy. Incorporating AR enhances customer engagement, helps make better-informed purchase decisions and sets your brand apart from competitors. Successful examples of AR implementation include Tenth Street Hats’ virtual try-on feature and Wanna Kicks’ mobile app for trying on sneakers virtually.

FAQs in Relation to Small Business Ecommerce

Why is Ecommerce Good for Small Business?

Ecommerce offers numerous benefits to small businesses, including lower overhead costs, increased customer reach, and the ability to operate 24/7. It also enables businesses to easily track consumer behavior and preferences, allowing them to tailor their offerings more effectively. Additionally, it provides a convenient shopping experience for customers who prefer online transactions over traditional brick-and-mortar stores.

How Has Ecommerce Affected Small Businesses?

Ecommerce has significantly impacted small businesses by leveling the playing field with larger competitors. Small companies can now access global markets and compete on pricing and product variety without needing extensive resources or physical locations. Ecommerce has also facilitated better data collection and analysis, enabling smaller enterprises to make informed decisions about marketing strategies and inventory management.

What Is Ecommerce for Small Business?

Ecommerce for small business refers to the process of buying and selling goods or services online through digital platforms like websites or mobile applications. This includes managing orders, processing payments securely, handling shipping logistics, as well as promoting products using various digital marketing techniques such as search engine optimization (SEO) (source), social media advertising (source), and email campaigns (source).

What Is an Example of Ecommerce in a Small Business?

An example of ecommerce in a small business would be an independent clothing retailer that sells its products exclusively through its website rather than operating a physical store location. The company might use tools like Shopify (source) or WooCommerce (source) to build and manage its online store, accept payments, and fulfill orders. The business would also engage in digital marketing efforts such as social media promotion and email campaigns to attract customers.


Small business eCommerce owners face unique challenges in establishing and growing their online presence. By choosing the right platform, establishing a clear value proposition, optimizing website design and content visibility, leveraging social media presence, and embracing augmented reality technology, small businesses can create a successful eCommerce strategy.

At Forest City Digital, we specialize in helping small business eCommerce owners achieve their goals through tailored digital marketing solutions. Reach out to us now and discover how our tailored digital marketing services can help your business reach its full potential.

Contact Forest City Digital for a free call today!

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