How to Get Verified for Google Local Service Ads: A Complete Guide | verified 3

As more people look for local services online, you need to know “how to get verified for google local search ads” if you’re a service provider. It can really boost your visibility. People trust Google. When they search for something like “best plumber near me,” you want your business to pop up first, right? Well, “how to get verified for google local search ads” is all about securing that coveted spot, that little something extra that sets you apart. That’s where Google’s special stamp of approval– the Google Guarantee badge– comes in.

What Does It Mean to Be Google Guaranteed?

Okay, imagine this. Someone out there needs a plumber – their sink is overflowing, they’re in a panic. They go to Google because let’s face it; that’s what we all do when we need something. Now, among all those listings, yours pops up, but not just any listing—one with a bright, shiny “Google Guaranteed” badge next to it. Instantly, they feel a sense of relief; like, “Okay, this business is legit.”

The Google Guarantee tells customers you’ve been vetted. Google has done its homework, and they’re willing to vouch for you. This gives potential customers peace of mind knowing they are engaging with a trustworthy business. For you, it’s a big deal, almost like a superpower, attracting more calls, more bookings, and building that “I’m the best” reputation. That shiny badge makes all the difference, instantly boosting your credibility and attractiveness to those searching for services.

The Ins and Outs: What’s the Verification Process Like?

Now, you’re probably wondering how to unlock this superpower. To break it down simply, to get that badge you’ll first need to sign up for Local Services Ads and pass through Google’s rigorous verification process. Don’t worry though. Here’s a step-by-step breakdown to make the whole “how to get verified for google local search ads” journey a little less daunting.

1. See if Your Business is Eligible

Firstly, you want to see if your business type qualifies for Local Service Ads. It’s mainly service-oriented businesses – think plumbers, electricians, HVAC specialists, and other “home service” related fields. You can go directly to Google’s website and use their handy eligibility tool; just put in your country and business category – quick and painless. This will help you know whether Local Service Ads—and by extension, the Google Guarantee—are available in your field.

2. Get Your Business Profile in Tip-Top Shape

Already got a Google Business Profile (GBP)? Awesome. If not, getting one set up should be your first port of call because that badge gets linked directly to it. Make sure all your business info—name, address, phone number, website – are all correct and consistent across the board; even small inconsistencies can cause hiccups.

3. Brace Yourself for Background Checks

Google’s serious about trust, which means thorough background checks on you and any employees you may have at absolutely no cost to you. This normally involves a criminal history check and checks on professional qualifications. You can typically expect the entire process to take a few weeks – they’re meticulous, but hey, it’s Google. Be patient – the credibility is worth the wait. This meticulousness helps filter out low-quality providers, further boosting your trustworthiness in the eyes of potential customers.

4. Get Your Insurance in Check

Like background checks, insurance is another layer of trust and professionalism that reassures customers you are who you say you are. Google takes insurance very seriously, requiring all Google Guaranteed businesses to carry up-to-date insurance coverage relevant to their industry. Specific insurance requirements vary by location and industry, but General Liability insurance is almost always a must.

5. Double Check Licenses and Certifications

Being licensed and certified in your field shows professionalism and that you’re equipped to do the job well. Have all the required documents up-to-date and readily available during the verification process.

6. Harness the Power of Reviews

Ever booked a hotel or tried a new restaurant based on reviews? It’s social proof; we tend to trust what others say, even if we don’t know them. The same logic applies to Local Services Ads. Positive reviews build trust. When people see positive reviews about your services from real customers, it’s like a friend vouching for you—instant credibility boost. Plus, positive reviews on your Google Business Profile show Google that customers are satisfied, which helps increase your visibility in the long run.

7. Don’t Forget to Respond Quickly

This seems obvious, but we all have those days. In a world of instant gratification, nobody likes waiting around. When those leads start coming in—because trust me, they will – get back to them fast. Timely responses, even just an acknowledgment, shows professionalism, eagerness to help and, in turn, improves your ranking. Customers are more likely to choose a business that values their time.


How to Get Verified for Google Local Service Ads: A Complete Guide | GBP Verifications Facebook

More Changes Are on the Horizon…

In the ever-evolving digital landscape, one thing remains constant – Google loves to refine and upgrade its processes, and Local Service Ad verifications are no different.

More recently, at the beginning of 2024, rumblings about bigger verification process updates began circulating in the marketing world. Corey Vandenberg, owner of marketing agency Clixsy sparked these conversations on Twitter suggesting the possibility of these new verification hurdles being Google’s way of tackling spam issues plaguing Local Service Ads. The marketing world has definitely taken note, buzzing with discussions and a mixture of anticipation and apprehension.

Why Aim for That Google Guarantee Badge Anyway? Is it Really Worth It?

Well, I wouldn’t write about “how to get verified for google local service ads” if I didn’t think so. To be honest, the digital marketplace is competitive. Anything that sets you apart is gold dust. So many businesses are clamoring for customers’ attention. Earning the Google Guarantee badge immediately sets you apart as more credible than a business without one – think about it.

From a customer’s perspective – the human element Google always seems to hit spot on— having that extra reassurance that a company is legitimate, especially for home services is huge. We’ve all heard the horror stories— unreliable contractors, shoddy work. Google’s effectively saying, “We’ve done the hard part so you don’t have to.” That’s what makes Local Service Ads and that coveted badge so special – Google’s standing right there with you saying, “We trust these guys.”

FAQs about How to Get Verified for Google Local Search Ads

To be eligible, you’ll typically need to be a service-based business in a qualifying industry. Check Google’s Local Service Ads website to see if you are in an eligible industry in your country. You need to create a business profile on Google, undergo a background check, and ensure your insurance coverage meets Google’s standards.

Verification typically involves logging into your Google Ads account and finding the verification section. This process often includes verifying your business phone number and providing documentation for Google to review, but varies based on the specific service.

This usually depends on what you want to verify but there are common themes. The most frequent ways are through your Google Account or through a Google service you use, like Google Analytics. Google might ask you to add a tag to your website, confirm your business details, or review and confirm information about your business.

This is a bit of a trick question, as Google Plus was discontinued back in April 2019. Now, it’s all about optimizing your Google Business Profile (GBP), which is a free tool from Google to help manage your business’s online presence.


In a nutshell, if you’re in a qualifying service-based industry, understanding how to get verified for google local search ads isn’t just about ads, but about building trust. The world is moving online and with that comes evolving marketing tools to take advantage of.

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