Enhancing eCommerce via Klaviyo Product Review Flow

July 31, 2023
Kenny Trusnik

Understanding the intricacies of Klaviyo product review flow can be a game-changer for eCommerce business owners. The process involves leveraging Klaviyo’s advanced features to automate and streamline your customer review collection, ultimately enhancing your brand reputation and boosting sales.

In this comprehensive guide, we’ll delve into how you can create segments in Klaviyo based on different properties, and use these segments to send dedicated campaigns. We will also explore integrating REVIEWS.io with Klaviyo for setting up post-review flows and triggering specific flow paths using ReviewsIOReview metric.

We won’t stop there; expect insights on refining your segmentation strategy with custom lists through Opinew’s seamless integration. Furthermore, learn about automating the verification process by integrating Judge.me, utilizing conditional splits effectively in workflows, and overcoming limitations with Opinew’s add-on features.

By mastering the Klaviyo product review flow, you’re set to elevate your email marketing strategies significantly while managing negative review feedback more efficiently.

Table of Contents

Leveraging Klaviyo’s Review Request Email Flows

Are you seeking to raise sales and please customers? Check out Klaviyo’s review request email flows. They’re like magic for your eCommerce business.

Create Segments in Klaviyo Based on Different Properties

Segmentation in Klaviyo is a piece of cake. You can group customers based on their purchase history, location, or even their browsing behavior. It’s like having a crystal ball for personalized marketing.

Send Dedicated Campaigns Using the Created Segments

Once you have all your segments prepped, it’s time to fire off those emails. Klaviyo’s campaign builder lets you design emails that speak directly to each segment. It’s like having a personal assistant for your marketing.

Timing is everything. Send these emails at the perfect moment to increase the chances of getting reviews. Positive word-of-mouth is the holy grail of marketing, after all.

Integrating REVIEWS.io with Klaviyo

Integrating REVIEWS.io with Klaviyo can boost customer engagement and drive sales for eCommerce businesses. Set up post-review flows easily using the ‘ReviewsIOReview’ metric.

Setting Up Post-Review Flows with REVIEWS.io Integration

To create a post-review flow, head to the Flow Library in your Klaviyo account. Choose “Create from Scratch” and then select “Metric Triggered Flow”. Pick ‘ReviewsIOReview’ from the metrics dropdown. Now, you can create different paths for positive and negative reviews. Thank customers for positive feedback and offer an apology and discount code for negative reviews.

Triggering Specific Flow Paths Using ReviewsIOReview Metric

This integration allows you to segment customers based on their reviews. With Klaviyo’s advanced segmentation capabilities, you can create specific flow paths for different types of reviews. Send customers who leave 5-star reviews down one path and direct those with less stellar feedback elsewhere. This approach helps manage responses effectively and provides valuable insights from your customers’ perspective.

In a nutshell, integrating REVIEWS.io with Klaviyo improves customer experience and conversion rates through targeted communication. So why wait? Harness the power of this combination today.

Enhancing Your Strategy With Opinew’s Seamless Integration

The ever-evolving eCommerce landscape necessitates the usage of solutions that make it simpler to manage operations. Enter Opinew. When combined with Klaviyo, it’s a match made in marketing heaven.

Building Review Request Sequences Across Channels

Opinew and Klaviyo work together to create review request sequences through email, SMS, or even good old-fashioned QR codes. It’s like having a Swiss Army knife for getting reviews.

Refining Your Segmentation Strategy With Custom Lists

Opinew doesn’t stop at review requests. It also lets you create reviewer profiles and add them to custom lists in Klaviyo. This means you can send super personalized campaigns based on purchase history or product preferences. It’s like having a secret weapon for boosting open rates and conversions.

Opinew and Klaviyo are a dynamic duo that give eCommerce businesses the power to manage review flows and improve the customer experience. Don’t miss out on this winning combination.

Boosting Conversion Rates with Clever Logic and Flows

In the cutthroat world of eCommerce, you gotta use every trick in the book. And one of the best tricks is Klaviyo’s fancy logic and flows that can seriously amp up your conversion rates. Let’s explore how it all functions.

Rewarding Customers Who Leave a Review

Provide a compliment to customers who put in the effort of leaving feedback. Show ’em some love and they’ll keep the feedback flowing. You could even sweeten the deal with discounts or exclusive deals for those who share their thoughts on your products.

Example of dynamic content for eCommerce customers who leave a positive reviews.

Increase Purchases with Abandoned Cart Emails

But wait, there’s more. Another nifty strategy involves slipping some star ratings into those abandoned cart emails. Turns out, people are more likely to buy when they see those shiny stars. It’s like a visual thumbs-up that gives potential buyers the confidence they need to hit that “buy now” button.

This tactic taps into human psychology – we’re naturally drawn to things that others rave about. Peer reviews trump fancy ads any day.

To make this magic happen in Klaviyo, head to ‘Flows’ > ‘Create Flow’ > ‘Abandoned Cart’. From there, you can customize your email template with dynamic blocks like product images and review stars linked directly from REVIEWS.io or Opinew platforms integrated within your system.

By using Klaviyo’s logic and flows like a boss, you’ll not only boost customer engagement but also open up new opportunities for sales galore. Remember, every customer interaction is a chance to grow your business, so make ’em count.

Automating Verification Process By Integrating Judge.me

Customer feedback can be a powerful asset in the eCommerce sector, helping to create trust and drive sales. To maximize this potential, it’s crucial to ensure that all reviews collected are verified. This is where integrating Judge.me into your existing system can bring significant benefits.

Streamlining Workflow Through Automation

Judge.me offers an automatic verification process for reviews collected via emails sent using templates already present in Klaviyo. This automation is triggered every time a new fulfilled order event gets pushed from Judge.me into your Klaviyo account.

This seamless integration not only saves you valuable time but also enhances the credibility of your brand by ensuring that all published reviews come from genuine customers who have purchased and used your products.

The automated review verification feature offered by Judge.me works hand-in-hand with Klaviyo’s robust email marketing capabilities to create an efficient and effective review collection strategy. The result? More authentic customer feedback, which translates into increased consumer confidence and higher conversion rates.

Achieving Successful Integration Between Platforms

To integrate Judge.Me with Klaviyo, follow these simple steps:

  1. Navigate to Settings on the admin backend of your website.
  2. Select ‘Integrations’ then choose ‘Email Marketing Integration’ from the dropdown menu.
  3. Pick ‘Klaviyo’ as your preferred platform for integration.
  4. Paste the API key provided by Klaviyo in the required field, followed by enabling “send review requests directly via Klaviyo setting”.

Once completed, you’re ready to start leveraging this powerful combination of tools to streamline workflows, automate processes, and enhance overall efficiency within your eCommerce business operations.

Steps To Integrate Judge.Me Into Your Existing System

Integrating Judge.me into your existing system can be a game-changer for eCommerce business owners. It automates review verification and allows personalized emails using Klaviyo templates. Here’s how to achieve this integration:

Step 1: Access Settings In Judge.Me Dashboard

Go to settings in your Judge.me dashboard.

Step 2: Choose Integrations From The Menu

Select ‘integrations’ from the dropdown menu in settings.

Step 3: Navigate To Admin Backend

In the integrations page, click on ‘admin backend’ to access more options.

Email Marketing Integration

  • Klaviyo:
    • Paste API Key – Get the API key from Klaviyo under Account > Settings > API Keys.
    • “Send Review Requests Directly Via Klaviyo” Setting – Enable this setting to send review requests through Klaviyo instead of judge.me. Reviews will still be verified by judge.me before going to Klaviyo.

This integration automates new order events from judge.me to Klaviyo, saving time and streamlining workflow. Stay tuned for more insights on using conditional splits effectively post-integration.

Mastering Conditional Splits Like a Pro

Once you’ve hooked up your eCommerce platform with Klaviyo, it’s time to get creative with your workflows. Use conditional splits to tailor your emails and make them pop. For example, you can set different delivery times for local and international orders. How cool is that?

A conditional split in Klaviyo lets you segment your flow based on specific conditions or customer behaviors. It’s like having a superpower that lets you send personalized emails at just the right moment. Talk about boosting conversions.

Supercharging Your Workflows with Conditional Splits

  • Time Delays Galore: Say goodbye to timezone troubles. With conditional splits, you can create separate email sequences with different time delays for domestic and international customers. Time is on your side.
  • Behavioral Bliss: Target your marketing efforts like a pro. Use conditional splits to separate first-time buyers from repeat customers. Targeting specific audiences with tailored messaging, you can ensure that your marketing efforts are as effective as possible.
  • Email Engagement Extravaganza: Segment your recipients based on their email interactions. Send tailored content to highly engaged folks and give a gentle nudge to those who need it. Engagement is the name of the game.

By utilizing these tactics into your workflow, you’ll not only enhance the customer experience but also bring up sales and earnings. Delivering the correct communication when it matters most. Remember, setting up these advanced flows may take some effort, but the payoff is worth it. Your performance metrics will thank you.

To dive deeper into creating custom flows with conditional splits in Klaviyo, check out this detailed guide from Klaviyo’s official documentation page. It’s the ultimate resource to level up your email game.

FAQs in Relation to Klaviyo Product Review Flow

How do I create a review flow on Klaviyo?

To create a review flow in Klaviyo, head over to the Flows tab and click on ‘Create Flow’. Choose the ‘Review Request’ template, customize your emails, and set triggers accordingly. You can find more detailed instructions in this Klaviyo guide.

What does review mean in Klaviyo flow?

In a Klaviyo flow, ‘review’ refers to an automated sequence designed to ask customers for product reviews after they’ve made a purchase.

Can Klaviyo collect reviews?

Klaviyo itself doesn’t collect reviews, but it integrates with popular review platforms like REVIEWS.io and Judge.me that make it easy to gather customer feedback. You can explore the list of integrations for more information.

How to do email marketing on Klaviyo?

To get started with email marketing on Klaviyo: 1) Sign up for an account; 2) Connect your store or import contacts; 3) Segment your audience based on behavior or demographics; 4) Create customized templates using the drag-and-drop editor; 5) Craft compelling subject lines; 6) Set up automations like welcome series or cart abandonment emails; and finally, 7) Monitor results through analytics dashboard.


This blog post spills the beans on how to use Klaviyo’s product review flow to supercharge your eCommerce business.

Create segments, send dedicated campaigns, and watch those reviews roll in like a boss.

Integrate REVIEWS.io with Klaviyo for a seamless post-review experience and trigger specific flow paths using the ReviewsIOReview metric.

But wait, there’s more! Opinew’s integration brings even more benefits to the table.

Build review request sequences across multiple channels and fine-tune your segmentation strategy with custom lists.

Boost those conversion rates by rewarding customers who leave a review and nudge them to complete their abandoned carts with persuasive emails.

And if you’re feeling limited by functionality, fear not! Tools like Opinew have got your back.

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