Ultimate Ecommerce SEO Audit Checklist for Business Success

July 13, 2023
Kenny Trusnik

An effective eCommerce SEO audit checklist is crucial for online businesses seeking to optimize their websites and improve search engine rankings. This guide will provide an in-depth roadmap to identify opportunities for growth and improvement, from the technical aspects of robots.txt files and XML sitemaps to content optimization strategies that target your audience.

Throughout this post, we will delve into technical optimization aspects such as robots.txt files and XML sitemaps, ensuring your site’s foundation is solid. We’ll also discuss strategies for enhancing your on-page content coverage by identifying gaps in existing content and creating targeted pieces that resonate with your audience.

Furthermore, our eCommerce SEO audit checklist includes an in-depth look at keyword research and analysis techniques to help you discover high-volume keywords while analyzing competitor ranking data. Backlink evaluation plays a significant role in assessing the quality of inbound links and identifying unnatural linking patterns – all vital elements for building a strong off-page presence.

Last but not least, user experience assessment ensures mobile-friendliness through responsive design while optimizing internal linking structures for better navigation. Finally, click-through rate optimization tactics like reoptimizing title tags or crafting compelling meta descriptions will be covered so that potential customers are enticed to visit your website from search results pages.

Table of Contents

Technical Optimization

Technical optimization is crucial for ensuring search engines can efficiently crawl and index all aspects of your ecommerce site. Your robots.txt file should guide crawlers towards important pages while excluding irrelevant sections from being indexed unnecessarily. The XML sitemap serves as another helpful resource providing this information directly to search engines like Google.

Proper Implementation of Robots.txt Files

A well-configured robots.txt file is crucial for making your ecommerce site easily accessible by search engine bots. This simple text document helps control which parts of your site are crawled and indexed by guiding web crawlers accordingly. You can use online tools like Robots.txt Generator or consult with an SEO expert for assistance in creating an effective robots.txt file.

Creation and Submission of XML Sitemaps

An XML sitemap is essentially a roadmap for search engines, helping them understand the structure of your ecommerce website more effectively. By listing all essential URLs along with their priority levels, you’re making it easier for Google and other major search engines to discover new content faster, ultimately boosting visibility within organic listings (SERPs). To create an XML sitemap, you can use free tools like XML-Sitemaps.com. Once generated, submit it through the relevant channels such as Google Search Console or Bing Webmaster Tools.

Incorporating these technical optimizations into your ecommerce SEO audit will help improve indexing efficiency across both desktop and mobile devices, ultimately driving more organic traffic to your online store. Regularly monitoring and updating these critical components will help you stay ahead of ever-evolving search engine algorithms while maintaining a strong presence within competitive SERPs.

On-page Content Strategy

An effective on-page content strategy is crucial for any ecommerce business. During an ecommerce SEO audit, assess your current content coverage and identify gaps in topics or keywords. This improves user experience and indexability by search engines like Google.

Identifying Gaps in Current Content Coverage

Analyze existing content on product pages, category pages, and blog posts. Look for opportunities to create new material addressing specific topics or keywords. Tools like Ahrefs’ Content Gap Tool can help you discover areas where competitors rank well but your site doesn’t.

Creating New, Targeted Content Pieces

Create fresh content that caters to potential customers while targeting high-value keywords. For example, craft informative articles about how-to guides related to products or services offered on your ecommerce website. This type of material often performs well within organic search results.

  • Tutorials: Provide step-by-step instructions for using a product effectively.
  • Listicles: Curate lists featuring top-rated items within a particular category (e.g., “Top 10 Kitchen Gadgets”).
  • User-generated reviews: Encourage satisfied customers to leave reviews on individual product pages—a valuable source of unique content and social proof.

Link-building Outreach Strategies

Reaching out to other companies within similar industries can lead to valuable link-building opportunities. These external links can significantly boost your site’s ranking within search engine results pages (SERPs). Identify potential partners and craft personalized outreach emails that highlight the benefits of linking to your content. Some effective link-building strategies include:

  • Guest posting: Offer to write high-quality articles for relevant blogs or websites in exchange for a backlink.
  • Influencer partnerships: Collaborate with influencers who have an engaged audience interested in your niche—this could lead to increased exposure and valuable backlinks.

By conducting a regular ecommerce SEO audit and following this checklist, you’ll improve both user experience and search engine visibility for your online store.


Key Takeaway: 

To improve user experience and search engine visibility, an effective on-page content strategy is crucial for any ecommerce business. Analyze existing content to identify gaps in topics or keywords, create fresh targeted content pieces such as tutorials, listicles, and user-generated reviews. Additionally, reach out to other companies within similar industries for valuable link-building opportunities through guest posting or influencer partnerships.

Keyword Research and Analysis

One of the most crucial parts of an ecommerce SEO audit is conducting thorough keyword research and analysis. By identifying high-volume keywords that your competitors may have overlooked, you can optimize both existing and future content effectively. This will help drive valuable organic traffic growth opportunities for your online store.

Using Google Keyword Planner for Keyword Discovery

Google Keyword Planner is a powerful tool that allows you to discover new keywords related to your products or services. Simply enter a few seed keywords, and the planner will generate a list of relevant terms along with their search volume, competition level, and suggested bid prices. This information can be invaluable when determining which keywords to target in your ecommerce SEO strategy.

Analyzing Competitor Rankings Data

In addition to using tools like Google Keyword Planner, it’s essential to analyze the ranking performance of your competitors’ websites. Tools such as SEMrush, Ahrefs, or Moz Pro can provide insights into the top-ranking pages for specific keywords within your industry. By examining these results closely, you can identify gaps in coverage where there might be potential for improvement on your own site.

Targeting High-Volume, Low Competition Keywords

  • Select Long-Tail Phrases:
  • Long-tail phrases are longer keyword combinations that often have lower search volumes but also less competition compared to more generic terms. These keywords can be easier to rank for and often have higher conversion rates, as they are more specific to the searcher’s intent.
  • Focus on Buyer Intent:
  • When conducting keyword research, it’s essential to consider search intent – what the user is looking for when they type in a particular query. When researching keywords, it is important to prioritize those with high buyer intent (e.g., “buy [product name] online”) over informational queries (e.g., “how does [product name] work”), as they are more likely to convert better.

In conclusion, by focusing on comprehensive keyword research and analysis during your ecommerce SEO audit, you’ll be able to identify new opportunities for growth while optimizing existing content effectively. This will ultimately help improve your site’s visibility within search engine results pages and drive increased organic traffic. Consequently, it’s essential to remember to frequently audit and make sure your ecommerce website is utilizing the newest SEO approaches.


Key Takeaway: 

To conduct a successful ecommerce SEO audit, it is crucial to perform thorough keyword research and analysis using tools like Google Keyword Planner and competitor ranking data. Targeting high-volume, low competition keywords with long-tail phrases that focus on buyer intent can help improve your site’s visibility within search engine results pages and drive increased organic traffic. Keep auditing regularly to identify new growth opportunities while optimizing existing content effectively.

Backlink Evaluation

Off-page SEO factors, like backlinks, play a significant role in driving traffic between pages within your site. Evaluating the quality and quantity of incoming links helps identify potential issues with spammy or unnatural linking patterns that may negatively impact ranking performance within SERPs (search engine results pages). Let’s dive into how to assess the quality of inbound links, identify unnatural linking patterns, and implement strategies to acquire high-quality backlinks.

To ensure you’re receiving valuable link juice from other websites, it’s essential to analyze each backlink’s domain authority (DA) and page authority (PA). Tools like Moz Link Explorer can help you determine these metrics for individual URLs. High DA/PA scores indicate more influential sites are linking to your content, contributing positively towards your ecommerce website’s overall search rankings.

Identifying Unnatural Linking Patterns

A sudden growth of low-quality or spammy backlinks can be detrimental to your website’s status in the eyes of search engines. To spot any suspicious activity during an ecommerce SEO audit, use tools like Ahrefs Site Explorer, which allows you to monitor new referring domains and anchor text distribution over time. If you notice sudden spikes in low-quality links or unrelated anchor texts pointing at your site, consider using Google’s Disavow Tool to disassociate yourself from those harmful connections.

  • Create Valuable Content: Producing informative, engaging content is the most effective way to attract organic backlinks. Create content that is both visually appealing and backed by research to make it more shareable across social media platforms.
  • Guest Posting: Reach out to relevant blogs or publications within your industry for guest posting opportunities. This not only exposes your brand to a wider audience but also provides valuable backlinks from reputable sources.
  • Influencer Partnerships: Collaborate with influencers in your niche who can promote your products on their platforms, resulting in high-quality links that drive traffic and boost credibility.

Evaluating backlinks should be an integral part of any ecommerce SEO audit. By assessing link quality, identifying unnatural patterns, and implementing strategies for acquiring high-value connections, you’ll significantly improve search engine visibility while driving more organic traffic towards your online store.


Key Takeaway: 

To improve search engine visibility and drive organic traffic to your ecommerce website, it’s important to evaluate the quality of inbound links, identify unnatural linking patterns, and implement strategies for acquiring high-quality backlinks. Tools like Moz Link Explorer and Ahrefs Site Explorer can help assess link quality and monitor new referring domains over time. Creating valuable content, guest posting on relevant blogs/publications, and collaborating with influencers in your niche are effective ways to acquire high-value connections.

User Experience Assessment

In order to optimize the performance of your ecommerce website, it is important to assess the user experience (UX) during an SEO audit. A well-designed site architecture should account for mobile screens while maintaining a clear internal linking structure that encourages users to explore more pages within your online store. This approach not only enhances UX but also improves indexability by search engines.

Ensuring Mobile-friendliness through Responsive Design

In today’s digital landscape, having a mobile-friendly website is crucial for reaching potential customers on various devices. With over 50% of web traffic coming from mobile devices, implementing responsive design ensures that your ecommerce site adapts seamlessly to different screen sizes and resolutions without sacrificing functionality or aesthetics. Use tools like Google’s Mobile-Friendly Test to check if your site meets the necessary criteria.

Optimizing Internal Linking Structures

A well-planned internal linking structure helps search engines understand the hierarchy and relationships between pages on your ecommerce site. It also makes navigation easier for users, leading them through relevant content and increasing their likelihood of making a purchase. To optimize internal links, ensure each page has at least one link pointing towards it from another page within the same domain—preferably using descriptive anchor text that accurately reflects the linked content.

Enhancing Overall Site Navigation and Usability

  • Simplify menus: Keep main menu items limited in number with clear labels so visitors can easily find what they’re looking for.
  • Breadcrumbs: Implement breadcrumb navigation to help users understand their location within the site and easily navigate back to previous pages.
  • Search functionality: Offer a robust internal search feature that returns accurate results, allowing users to find specific products or information quickly.
  • Loading speed: Optimize your website’s loading time by compressing images, minifying code, and using caching techniques. Slow-loading sites can frustrate visitors and lead them to abandon your ecommerce store in favor of faster alternatives.

Taking these steps during an ecommerce SEO audit will not only improve user experience but also contribute positively towards Google’s Page Experience ranking factors, ultimately boosting your visibility on search engine results pages (SERPs).


Key Takeaway: 

To conduct an effective ecommerce SEO audit, it’s important to assess the user experience of your website by ensuring mobile-friendliness through responsive design, optimizing internal linking structures and enhancing overall site navigation and usability. Simplifying menus, implementing breadcrumb navigation, offering a robust internal search feature and optimizing loading speed are key takeaways that can improve user experience and boost visibility on SERPs.

Click-through Rate Optimization

During an ecommerce SEO audit, analyzing click-through rates (CTR) is crucial. If your CTR is low, consider reoptimizing title tags and meta descriptions to generate more clicks from search engine results pages. Title tags are essential for gaining visibility, as they are used by search engines and social media sites to index content. Ensure these elements accurately represent the page’s content while incorporating relevant keywords.

Reoptimizing Title Tags for Better Visibility

Title tags play a significant role in helping search engines understand what your webpage is about and directly influence how users perceive your content on SERPs. To improve CTR, make sure that each of your titles is unique, engaging, and includes target keywords without resorting to keyword stuffing. Additionally, keep them within 50-60 characters so that they display correctly across different devices.

Crafting Compelling Meta Descriptions

A well-written meta description can entice potential customers to click on your website link instead of competitors’. While it doesn’t directly impact rankings, a persuasive snippet may increase organic traffic by appealing to user curiosity or addressing their needs effectively. Ensure that you provide concise information about the page’s contents within 150-160 characters while including relevant keywords naturally. Avoid common meta description mistakes to make the most of this element.

Incorporating Target Keywords in Titles and Descriptions

  • Select appropriate primary keywords: Use tools like Google Keyword Planner or conduct competitor analysis to identify high-volume phrases with lower competition levels that align with user intent for specific product category pages or individual product listings.
  • Add secondary terms: Including related words or phrases can help search engines better understand the context of your content and may increase its visibility for a broader range of queries.
  • Avoid over-optimization: Excessive repetition or unnatural placement of keywords within titles and descriptions might confuse search engine algorithms, leading to lower rankings. Maintain a balance between keyword usage and readability.

By focusing on these aspects during an ecommerce SEO audit, you’ll be able to optimize click-through rates effectively while improving overall user experience and driving more organic traffic towards your online store. Regularly conducting a technical SEO audit and content audit can help you identify and fix indexing issues, improve site security, and enhance your site’s ranking for relevant search queries.


Key Takeaway: 

To improve the click-through rate (CTR) during an ecommerce SEO audit, focus on reoptimizing title tags and meta descriptions with relevant keywords. Additionally, crafting compelling meta descriptions that address user needs and avoiding over-optimization are crucial for driving more organic traffic towards your online store.

FAQs in Relation to Ecommerce Seo Audit Checklist

How to Perform an Ecommerce SEO Audit

To audit your ecommerce site’s SEO, optimize technical aspects, analyze content strategy, research keywords, evaluate backlinks, analyze CTR, and assess user experience using data-driven insights from tools like Google Analytics and Search Console.

What to Include in an SEO Audit Report

An SEO audit report should cover technical optimization, content strategy analysis, keyword research findings, backlink profile evaluation with recommendations, CTR performance, and UX improvement suggestions.

Important SEO Items for an Ecommerce Store

Optimize site architecture for indexability, use responsive design for mobile-friendliness, create an effective internal linking structure, write high-quality unique product descriptions with targeted keywords, and optimize title tags and meta descriptions.

What's Included in the SEO Portion of a Website Audit?

The SEO portion of a website audit evaluates the site’s technical aspects, including robots.txt file configuration and XML sitemap creation/configuration, and identifies and resolves duplicate URL issues.


Conducting an ecommerce SEO audit is an essential step in optimizing your online store and improving your search engine rankings. It involves a comprehensive evaluation of various aspects of your website to identify areas of improvement and implement strategies that can enhance your online visibility and drive organic traffic. Let’s take a closer look at the key components of an ecommerce SEO audit:

  1. Technical Optimization: This involves assessing the technical aspects of your website, such as site speed, mobile responsiveness, crawlability, and indexability. Optimizing these elements ensures that search engine bots can easily access and understand your site, resulting in better rankings.

  2. On-Page Content Strategy: Reviewing your website’s content is crucial to ensure it is relevant, informative, and optimized for target keywords. Analyze your title tags, meta descriptions, headers, and body content to align them with relevant keywords and user intent.

  3. Keyword Research: Conduct thorough keyword research to identify high-potential keywords related to your products or services. By incorporating these keywords naturally into your content, you can increase the likelihood of appearing in relevant search results.

  4. Backlink Evaluation: Backlinks play a crucial role in SEO, so it’s important to assess the quality and quantity of your site’s backlink profile. Identify any toxic or low-quality links that may harm your rankings and focus on building high-quality backlinks from reputable sources.

  5. User Experience Assessment: User experience is a key ranking factor, so it’s essential to evaluate your website’s usability, navigation, and overall user experience. Ensure that your site is easy to navigate, loads quickly, and provides a seamless experience across different devices.

  6. Click-Through Rate (CTR) Optimization: Analyze your website’s click-through rates in search engine results pages (SERPs) to determine if your titles and meta descriptions are compelling enough to attract clicks. Optimizing these elements can improve your organic click-through rates and potentially boost your rankings.

Regularly conducting an ecommerce SEO audit and implementing the necessary optimizations will help you stay ahead of the competition, improve your website’s visibility, drive organic traffic, and ultimately increase conversions. Remember, an effective SEO audit checklist serves as your roadmap to ecommerce success by ensuring that your online store is fully optimized for search engines and user satisfaction.

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