Why Email Marketing is Important for eCommerce Success

August 22, 2023
Kenny Trusnik

Why is email marketing important for eCommerce? This question underscores a critical strategy in today’s digital business landscape. As an eCommerce business owner, you might be juggling multiple marketing strategies to drive growth and profitability. Yet, one of the most potent tools at your disposal is often underutilized – email marketing.

This blog post will delve into the power of email marketing in eCommerce, highlighting its high ROI potential and how it nurtures customer relationships. We’ll explore personalization techniques that enhance engagement and exclusive offers as powerful brand loyalty builders.

We’ll also compare transactional emails with broadcast emails, discussing their unique roles in effective selling and keeping customers updated respectively. Further ahead, we explain why automating your campaigns can save time while improving results, and why data analytics are crucial for measuring success.

As we proceed further into our discussion on why email marketing is important for ecommerce businesses, we’ll uncover innovative techniques post iOS 15 release for building communities through strategic initiatives like user segmentation & personalized experiences; promoting complementary products through targeted mails; leveraging responsive templates to ensure seamless user experience across devices.

Table of Contents

The Power of Email Marketing in eCommerce

Email marketing is the secret sauce for eCommerce businesses. It’s like a guaranteed delivery service that brings in the big bucks. With its immense ROI, email marketing is an economical way to make customers contented, amplify sales, and bring people to your site.

Understanding the email marketing possibilities

Did you know that for every dollar you spend on email marketing, you can get a whopping $38 in return? Emails cut out the middleman and go straight to your customers’ inboxes. Plus, since everyone checks their emails daily, your message is practically begging to be opened and acted upon.

How email marketing builds customer relationships

Emails are like love letters to your customers. By sending them updates on new products and exclusive discounts, you’re keeping the flame alive. And when you personalize those messages, it’s like whispering sweet nothings in their ears. They’ll feel special and keep coming back for more.

But wait, there’s more. Email marketing is also a pro at rekindling old flames. With re-engagement campaigns, you can turn inactive subscribers into active buyers. It’s like bringing back lost loves and boosting your sales at the same time. According to OptinMonster’s statistics, 45% of recipients read re-engagement emails, leading to increased conversions. Talk about a win-win.

Example of post purchase email flow in klayvio for email marketing eccomerce.

Personalization and Exclusivity: The Email Campaign Game-Changers

In the fierce world of eCommerce, personalized emails are the real MVPs. Forbes says they deliver six times higher transaction rates than non-personalized ones. Talk about a slam dunk.

Crafting Engaging Emails: Know Your Customers

To write compelling emails, it is essential to comprehend your customers’ wants and likes. Get this info from their past purchases or browsing behavior. For example, if someone loves your skincare products, send them updates on new launches or special discounts. It’s like giving them a personalized spa treatment.

This approach not only boosts engagement but also builds trust. Customers see that you get them, and that’s a beautiful thing.

Exclusive Offers: The Secret to Brand Loyalty

Personalization is great, but exclusive offers take it to the next level. Who doesn’t love feeling special? When customers receive offers tailored just for them, it deepens their connection to your brand. Cue the happy dance.

A study by HubSpot spilled the beans: 75% of consumers are more likely to buy from retailers who personalize messages and offers based on their data. So go ahead, send out exclusive discount codes or early access passes to loyal customers. It’s like saying ‘thank you’ with a cherry on top.

Example of dynamic content for eCommerce customers who leave a positive reviews.

Transactional Emails vs Broadcast Emails

In the world of eCommerce, two types of emails rule: transactional and broadcast. Comparing the two, let’s explore how they each fit into your strategy.

Leveraging Transactional Emails for Effective Selling

Transactional emails are like the superheroes of email marketing. They swoop in when customers take action on your website. These emails make killer first impressions, building trust and encouraging future engagement.

  • Welcome Email: The first email new subscribers receive. It’s an opportunity to flaunt your business and make them feel extraordinary.
  • Order Confirmation Email: Sent right after a purchase. It’s like a virtual high-five, letting customers know their order is on its way.

Using Broadcast Emails to Keep Customers Updated

Broadcast emails are like the town criers of your marketing strategy. They’re not triggered by user action but sent out at specific times or dates. These emails keep customers in the loop and drive traffic back to your site.

  • Newsletters: Regularly scheduled broadcasts that keep subscribers informed about your brand’s latest news. It’s like a virtual chat over coffee.
  • Promotional Mails: These emails announce special offers and discounts, making customers feel like they’ve hit the jackpot.

Automation & Analytics in Email Marketing

Email marketing is a powerful tool for eCommerce businesses. Automating your email campaigns saves time and increases engagement. Plus, analytics provide valuable insights to measure success.

Benefits of automating email campaigns

  • Time-Saving: Automation frees up time to focus on other aspects of your business.
  • Increase Engagement: Send the right message at the right time, boosting engagement rates.
  • Better Customer Retention: Regular communication through automated emails encourages repeat purchases.

Apart from automation, analytics play a crucial role in understanding your email marketing strategy. Services like Sendlane’s data analytics dashboard provide insights into campaign performance, helping determine profitability more efficiently.

Importance of data analytics in measuring success

  • Data-Driven Decisions: Make informed decisions based on hard data.
  • Campaign Optimization: Use metrics to optimize future campaigns and improve results over time.
  • Customer Insight: Gain insight into customer behavior patterns for better personalization and user experience.

Incorporating automation and analytics into your ecommerce email marketing strategy streamlines processes and provides actionable insights for higher ROI. It’s a crucial component in this domain.

Building Communities through Innovative Strategies

Nowadays, preserving one’s personal information is paramount. The release of iOS 15 brought about big changes in email marketing. Marketers had to get creative to turn customers into lifelong fans.

Innovative techniques post iOS 15 release

The introduction of iOS 15 has challenged marketers with its privacy features. But it also opens doors for innovative email strategies.

One clever approach is creating engaging content that sparks interaction. Ask readers to share their thoughts or run contests to keep the community buzzing.

Transparency is key. Be upfront about how you collect and use customer data to build trust and loyalty.

Another tactic is leveraging user-generated content (UGC). Let customers share their experiences to boost social proof and a sense of belonging.

And don’t forget personalization. Sending tailored emails based on preferences and behaviors increases relevance and open rates.

All these methods show why Email Marketing remains crucial for e-commerce businesses. Creating relationships and developing customer devotion in a competitive environment is more important than simply marketing items.

User Segmentation & Personalized Experiences

It’s not just about boosting conversions, but also about building stronger bonds with your customers.

The Impact of User Segmentation on Conversions

According to Eventbrite, segmenting your users based on their interests, past purchases, or browsing behavior can work wonders for your conversion rates. For example, if you have a group of customers who are crazy about skincare products, sending them an email featuring the latest arrivals in that category will have them clicking and buying like there’s no tomorrow.

This level of personalization makes your customers feel like VIPs. It shows them that you understand their needs and preferences, and that you’re not just another faceless brand. It’s like having a personal shopper, but without the hefty price tag. â€ï¸

But how do you achieve this level of personalization? It’s all about effective data collection, my friend. Tracking user activity on your website and analyzing past purchase history can give you valuable insights. Tools like Google Analytics are your best buddies in this quest for knowledge.

And here’s another perk of user segmentation: it helps keep those pesky unsubscribe rates in check. When you send emails that are pertinent to your subscribers’ inclinations, they’re more averse to pressing the ‘unsubscribe’ option. It’s like a magic spell that keeps your audience engaged and craving for more. ï¸

To sum it up, user segmentation is the secret ingredient that spices up your email marketing strategy. With user segmentation, you can not only enhance customer experience but also increase your business success. So don’t wait, start segmenting now and watch your eCommerce empire thrive.


Key Takeaway: 

User segmentation is the secret sauce for creating personalized experiences in eCommerce email marketing. It not only boosts conversions but also builds stronger bonds with customers by understanding their needs and preferences. By tracking user activity and analyzing past purchase history, businesses can keep unsubscribe rates low and keep their audience engaged.

Complementary Products & Responsive Templates

One clever tactic is offering complementary products based on past orders to tempt visitors into buying more. It’s like saying, “Hey, you bought a laptop, how about a fancy laptop bag or an external hard drive to go with it?” It’s about giving customers what they didn’t even know they needed.

Promoting Complementary Products through Targeted Mails

For example, if a customer has purchased a laptop from your online store, sending them an email showcasing related items like laptop bags or external hard drives can nudge them towards making additional purchases. It’s like being a mind reader, but for shopping. 

But it’s not just about product recommendations; the design of your emails matters too. That’s where responsive templates come in.

The Importance of Responsive Email Design

A responsive template ensures that your eye-catching designs reach the recipient’s inbox flawlessly, no matter what device or location they’re in. Whether they’re checking their email on a desktop or a tiny mobile screen, your email will look fabulous and be easy to interact with. No more squinting or awkward scrolling. It’s like having a personal stylist for your emails. Check out Campaign Monitor’s guide to understand why responsive design matters in email marketing.

To sum it up: offering complementary products based on past orders and using responsive templates creates an engaging user experience that boosts repeat business and ensures a seamless experience across devices. That’s why Email Marketing is a big deal for e-commerce businesses.

FAQs in Relation to Why Email Marketing is Important for Ecommerce

Why is email marketing important to e-commerce?

Email marketing is crucial for e-commerce because it builds customer relationships, promotes brand loyalty, and drives conversions.

What is email marketing for e-commerce?

Email marketing for e-commerce involves sending targeted emails to customers to boost sales, build relationships, and improve customer retention.

What are 5 advantages of using email marketing?
  • It’s an inexpensive way to reach customers globally.
  • You can personalize emails for better engagement.
  • Email marketing promotes brand awareness and loyalty.
  • It allows direct communication with customers.
  • You can easily measure results through analytics.
How can you grow your e-commerce business with email marketing?

You can grow your e-commerce business by leveraging email campaigns that promote products, offer exclusive deals, nurture customer relationships, segment users based on behavior, and personalize content accordingly.


Email marketing is a must-have for ecommerce success. It’s like a money-making machine that builds customer relationships and delivers personalized campaigns. Transactional emails sell like hotcakes, while broadcast emails keep customers in the loop. Automation and data analytics make it even better, and user segmentation and responsive templates add a personal touch. So, if you want to grow your customer base, boost conversions, and stay ahead in the competitive market, email marketing is your secret weapon.

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