Klaviyo vs Active Campaign: In-Depth Analysis for eCommerce

September 15, 2023
Kenny Trusnik

Klaviyo vs Active Campaign – a choice that can make or break your eCommerce business.

When it comes to email marketing automation, these two platforms are often the top contenders. Deciding which platform is best for you can be a difficult task.

The answer isn’t always straightforward. Both Klaviyo and Active Campaign have their strengths and weaknesses.

In this head-to-head comparison of Klaviyo vs Active Campaign, we’ll delve into key features, pricing, usability, deliverability & support to help you make an informed decision.

Table of Contents

Features and Capabilities of Klaviyo vs Active Campaign

The world of eCommerce marketing is vast, with tools like Klaviyo and ActiveCampaign leading the pack. These platforms offer a myriad of features including email marketing, advanced automation, segmentation capabilities, and more.

Email Marketing Tools Comparison

Klaviyo’s email marketing prowess lies in its intuitive drag-and-drop editor coupled with an extensive template library. This combination empowers businesses to create compelling emails that truly resonate with their audience – no design degree required.

On the other hand, ActiveCampaign isn’t far behind either. Similar to Klaviyo, it provides a user-friendly drag-and-drop editor alongside a rich array of templates that make crafting personalized emails feel less like work and more like fun.

Automation Capabilities

In this digital age, automation is a must-have. With Klaviyo’s advanced automation features, businesses can automate their email campaigns based on specific triggers or customer behaviors – delivering relevant content at just the right time for maximum engagement.

ActiveCampaign matches up well in this department. Their platform offers equally powerful automation capabilities, allowing small and medium-sized businesses to streamline their workflows while ensuring customers receive timely and personalized communications.

Segmentation & Targeting Options

The ability to effectively segment audiences is crucial when choosing an eCommerce marketing tool; luckily both platforms shine here too. Using either platform’s segmentation feature lets you group your subscribers based on shared characteristics such as purchase history or location so that you can send them more targeted messages.

Klayvio or Activecampaign, deciding which is right for you.

Decoding the Pricing: Klaviyo vs Active Campaign

When it comes to Pricing Plans and Options for Klaviyo, one finds a distinctive, subscriber-based approach. Klaviyo’s pricing plans are flexible and grow with your business – ideal if you’re just starting out or have an unpredictable subscriber count.

In stark contrast, ActiveCampaign’s pricing structure is more traditional. With plans kicking off at $15 per month for their Lite version, they offer different tiers packed with features that scale up as the price does.

The Freebies: Trials & Versions by Klaviyo and ActiveCampaign

Klaviyo offers a free version that supports up to 250 contacts along with limited functionalities – perfect for small businesses dipping their toes into email marketing waters. They also provide a pay-as-you-go option where you only shell out for what you use; this could be quite appealing if your needs don’t yet justify full-package expenses.

This isn’t mirrored in ActiveCampaign’s offerings though. While they do extend a 14-day trial period sans any commitments from users’ end, there isn’t any permanent free version available post-trial.

Digging Deeper: Additional Costs & Limitations

Beyond monthly subscription fees tied to each tier level offered by these platforms lie potential hidden costs worth considering before making your decision. For instance, SMS messaging via either platform will incur extra charges over standard email marketing costs. If text message marketing forms part of your strategy then these additional costs can quickly add up.

We mustn’t overlook system limitations either when evaluating both tools: In terms of contact management capabilities specifically-while unlimited importing/exporting of contacts is allowed-their handling capacities vary greatly. Klaviyo permits up to 50,000 contacts under its most basic paid plan while Active Campaign limits its Lite Plan users to merely 500-a factor worth weighing especially if large-scale outreach is key in your marketing efforts.


Key Takeaway: 

When comparing Klaviyo and Active Campaign, consider the pricing structures: Klaviyo’s flexible subscriber-based approach versus ActiveCampaign’s traditional tiered plans. Remember to factor in additional costs like SMS messaging and system limitations on contact management. While both offer trials, only Klaviyo has a permanent free version post-trial.

Usability Review: Klaviyo vs Active Campaign

We’re taking a close look at two heavyweights in the eCommerce marketing arena: Klaviyo and ActiveCampaign. We will be concentrating on their user interface, ease of use features, and customer support resources.

Dashboard Design & Functionality

Klaviyo’s dashboard design is all about functionality. It presents an uncluttered layout that makes navigation a breeze. You can locate the necessary items quickly, from email templates to analytics reports, with just a few clicks.

The dashboard of ActiveCampaign, on the other hand, takes visual appeal up a notch without compromising functionality. Its data visualization capabilities give you detailed insights right off the bat.

Here’s something both platforms have in common: they offer unlimited email support to paid users directly from their dashboards. This feature facilitates fast resolution of any problems that may come up during usage.

Deliverability & Support: Klaviyo vs Active Campaign

Email deliverability isn’t just important; it’s crucial when choosing an eCommerce marketing agency. In this section, we’ll delve into how each platform handles these issues along with their respective customer service offerings.

Support Services Overview

Klaviyo doesn’t skimp on customer support services either. They offer tutorials and guides specifically created to assist users in comprehending all aspects of the platform. Plus, they offer unlimited email support for paid users – ensuring your questions are answered promptly and efficiently.

In comparison, ActiveCampaign offers 24/7 email assistance alongside live chat options during business hours. Their knowledge base also includes articles, webinars, and video tutorials designed to assist newbies through complex tasks.

A key difference lies in availability; while Klaviyo provides unrestricted access regardless of subscription level, ActiveCampaign reserves priority phone assistance for higher-tier plans only.

This evaluation should equip you with better insight into what each tool brings forth regarding usability. As we proceed further, let us explore deeper into specificities around


Key Takeaway: 

In the eCommerce marketing sphere, Klaviyo and ActiveCampaign stand out with their user-friendly interfaces and robust customer support. While Klaviyo’s dashboard focuses on functionality, ActiveCampaign adds visual appeal without sacrificing usability. Both offer unlimited email support to paid users right from their dashboards. However, while Klaviyo offers unrestricted access regardless of subscription level, ActiveCampaign reserves priority

Klaviyo vs Active Campaign: Best Use Cases & Recommendations

Deciding between Klaviyo and Active Campaign? It’s not a simple choice. Both are powerful platforms, but they excel in different areas.

If you’re an eCommerce business owner with your eyes on the prize sales revenues and ROI you’ll find Klaviyo aligns well with your objectives, especially if you operate an online store or any retail-focused venture.

Klaviyo’s dashboard is a treasure trove of insights into customer behavior, enabling businesses to craft personalized email campaigns that enhance conversion rates. But it doesn’t stop there.

Best Use Cases for Different Business Types

Active Campaign, on the other hand, excels in subscriber engagement and contact management a must-have for service-based companies like consultancies or agencies where relationship-building is key to success.

The platform boasts robust CRM capabilities that effectively manage interactions while providing detailed reports at every stage of the customer journey—an invaluable tool when nurturing relationships over time matters most to your business model.

Celebrating Success Stories: Klaviyo Case Studies

We’ve seen some remarkable successes from businesses using these platforms correctly. An apparel company boosted their revenue by 29% after implementing targeted emails through Klaviyo’s segmentation tools.

A beauty brand saw repeat purchases skyrocket thanks to automated follow-up emails tailored based on previous purchasing behaviors.

These stories highlight how leveraging these platforms can lead to substantial improvements in crucial metrics such as sales revenues and ROI.

Acing Customer Engagement: ActiveCampaign Case Studies

An IT consulting firm stands out among others, having achieved higher client retention rates due to ActiveCampaign’s advanced automation features enabling them to send timely reminders about upcoming appointments.

A digital agency streamlined their workflow significantly, leading to increased productivity by utilizing task automations within the software.

Such stories underline how powerful these platforms can be when aligned correctly with specific business needs.


Key Takeaway: 

When it comes to Klaviyo vs Active Campaign, your choice hinges on business type and goals. For eCommerce ventures eyeing sales revenues and ROIs, Klaviyo’s customer behavior insights are a goldmine. Conversely, service-based businesses craving robust CRM capabilities will find Active Campaign more fitting.

FAQs in Relation to Klaviyo vs Active Campaign

Is Klaviyo better than ActiveCampaign?

Both platforms have their strengths. Klaviyo excels in eCommerce integrations and revenue tracking, while ActiveCampaign shines with its CRM features and advanced automation.

What is the difference between Klaviyo and ActiveCampaign Shopify?

Klaviyo offers deeper integration with Shopify, providing more data for segmentation and personalization. Meanwhile, ActiveCampaign provides robust email marketing tools within the Shopify environment.

What is ActiveCampaign best for?

ActiveCampaign is a standout platform known for its robust CRM capabilities, advanced automation features, and extensive integration options with third-party applications. This makes it an excellent choice for businesses that place a high priority on managing customer relationships effectively.

What makes Klaviyo different?

Klaviyo’s strength lies in its powerful eCommerce-focused features like detailed customer data tracking, ROI-based reporting system, and seamless integration with online stores, which make it a go-to choice for many online retailers.


Choosing between Klaviyo and Active Campaign can be a tough decision.

Both platforms offer robust email marketing tools, advanced automation features, and extensive integration capabilities.

Pricing varies based on your subscriber count with Klaviyo, while Active Campaign offers tiered plans starting from $15 per month.

The user interface of both platforms is made for simplicity, but each one has its own unique advantages depending on your company’s requirements.

Email deliverability issues are handled efficiently by both platforms, with dedicated support teams ready to assist you.

If you’re still unsure which platform suits your eCommerce business best or if you need further assistance in optimizing SEO, Google Ads, or email marketing strategies, Forest City Digital is here to help! Check out our services here.

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