Step-by-Step: How to Write an eCommerce Marketing Plan

September 1, 2023
Kenny Trusnik

Many entrepreneurs feel at a loss when it comes to devising an ecommerce marketing plan. The task may seem daunting, but with the right approach and guidance, you can create a comprehensive strategy that drives your online sales.

In this blog post, you will learn the process of developing an ecommerce marketing plan. We’ll start by assessing your current business situation and refining key brand messages. Then we will delve into designing sales-focused campaigns using joint ventures & partnerships or tier discount codes.

You’ll also learn about different execution methods and their pros and cons. We’ll guide you on conducting competitor analysis and keyword research for better SEO performance.

Further along, we explore leveraging content marketing through videos, product demos, animations; integrating social media platforms like Facebook Shop Tab; transitioning towards influencer marketing; creating clear value proposition statements; optimizing promotional strategies across channels using SWOT analysis.

Finally yet importantly, reviewing expenses versus revenue generated is crucial in any ecommerce marketing plan. So let’s dive in as we unravel the secrets of how to write an eCommerce Marketing Plan effectively!

Table of Contents

Assessing Your eCommerce Business

Examining your past performance is a critical part of creating an effective ecommerce marketing plan, as it provides valuable insights into how well your store performed in terms of online sales, ad spend and profitability. This involves reviewing last year’s performance, which includes examining your online sales, ad spend, and overall profitability. Using tools like Google Analytics can provide valuable insights into how well your ecommerce store performed.

Reviewing previous year’s performance

Analyze the data from the past year to understand where you stand financially. Review metrics such as revenue generated, expenses incurred, and net profit or loss. Reviewing the figures from last year can offer insight into what marketing efforts were successful and which weren’t for your online store.

Understanding the target market

Your target audience plays a crucial role in shaping up any successful ecommerce strategy. Conduct surveys or use analytics tools to gather demographic information about your potential customers – their age group, preferences, buying behavior etc., all these factors help refine your targeting strategies.

Refining key brand messages

Your brand message should resonate with both existing customers and prospective ones alike; it needs to be compelling enough that they choose you over competitors operating within a similar space online. Crafting engaging product descriptions or creative assets like videos could enhance customer experience significantly, leading them towards making purchase decisions favorably inclined towards offerings available on the site.

In addition, always remember that feedback received from loyal customers forms an invaluable resource when refining key messaging elements since they’re already familiar with the products/services offered, thereby providing a unique perspective often overlooked otherwise while formulating new promotional campaigns aimed at attracting more paying customers moving forward. So make sure their voices are heard too during this critical stage.


Key Takeaway: 

Crafting an effective ecommerce marketing plan starts with assessing your business’s performance from the previous year, analyzing metrics like online sales and profitability. Understanding your target market and refining key brand messages are crucial for success, as they help tailor your strategies to attract customers and stand out from competitors.

Implementing Sales-Boosting Campaigns

Now it’s time to get those cash registers ringing with some killer ecommerce marketing strategies. Let’s design campaigns that will have customers throwing their money at you faster than you can say “cha-ching.”

Get Creative with Your Campaigns

From catchy product descriptions to irresistible email marketing, let your creativity shine. Encourage customers to take action and purchase your product by creating an irresistible offer.

Join Forces for Success

Combining forces with other businesses can be a major catalyst for success. Find partners who complement your ecommerce store and watch your sales skyrocket. It’s like a power couple, but for marketing.

Discounts that Make Them Swoon

Who doesn’t love a good deal? Offer tiered discount codes to reward your loyal customers. The more they spend, the bigger the discount. It’s like a shopping spree with a built-in discount. Cha-ching.

These tactics not only generate income, but also cultivate a dedicated clientele that consistently returns. It’s like having a fan club that pays you. Who wouldn’t want that?

Evaluating Execution Methods

When it comes to rocking your ecommerce marketing strategies, execution is key. Should you build an in-house team or hire outside agencies? Let’s weigh the options.

Pros and Cons of In-house Teams

An in-house team gives you control, but it comes with a price. Training, salaries, and time-consuming management. Is it worth it? You decide.

Benefits of Hiring Outside Agencies

Outside agencies, like Forest City Digital, bring expertise to the table. They’ve seen it all and can spot opportunities you might miss. Outside your staff, there’s the advantage of getting specialized knowledge.

Ultimately, it’s about finding the right balance. Control or expertise? You want to impress potential customers without breaking the bank.

Competitor Analysis and Keyword Research

In the wild world of ecommerce, knowing your competition is key. It’s not enough to have a killer product – you gotta see how you measure up. Check out your rivals’ websites to see what they’re doing right (and wrong). Examine their product characteristics, costs, consumer feedback, and total user experience. This can assist you in discovering methods to differentiate yourself.

But wait, there’s more. Keyword research is a must for any ecommerce marketing plan. Keywords are what people type into search engines when they’re looking for stuff online. So, you gotta know which keywords are hot and which ones are not. Use tools like Google’s Keyword Planner or SEMrush to find those golden keywords with high search volume and low competition. Get your site on that search results page.

Leveraging Content Marketing

Content marketing is like a secret weapon in your ecommerce strategy. It’s like a witty sidekick that helps you engage with potential customers, build trust, and guide them through the marketing funnel. By providing valuable content that answers their questions or solves their problems, you can turn prospective customers into paying ones.

Using How-to Videos & Product Demos

The first step to leveraging content marketing is creating how-to videos and product demos. These types of content can not only show off your goods, but also teach your intended audience how they could benefit from utilizing them. For instance, if you sell skincare products on your online store, a video demonstrating how to apply these products correctly could be highly beneficial for both existing and potential customers.

Incorporating Animations

Besides informative videos, incorporating animations into your content marketing efforts can add an element of fun and engagement to the customer experience. Animated explainer videos are great tools for simplifying complex concepts about your product or service while keeping viewers entertained.

A successful ecommerce marketing plan doesn’t just focus on sales promotions; it also considers ways to enrich the user experience by giving customers useful information in engaging formats like video tutorials and animations. Remember that satisfied users often become loyal customers who will continue supporting your brand long after their initial purchase.

Social Media Integration

As an eCommerce business owner, you can’t ignore the power of social media. It’s not just for stalking your ex anymore; it’s a goldmine for reaching your target audience, boosting sales, and making customers happy.

Facebook Shop Tab: The Ultimate Window Shopping Experience

Facebook’s ‘Shop’ tab is a game-changer. It lets you showcase your products right on the platform. Imagine customers scrolling through their feed and stumbling upon your awesome stuff. It’s like window shopping, but without leaving the couch.

Consistency is key. Regular updates about new products or sales keep your brand on people’s minds. If you want to impress, sprinkle in some customer testimonials or reviews. Shoppers trust their peers more than any fancy ad.

Don’t Forget Instagram and Pinterest.

Facebook isn’t the only player in town. Instagram and Pinterest also offer features that can boost your ecommerce game. So don’t miss out on those platforms, depending on your target market’s preferences.

Influencer marketing and it's importance to gain eCommerce customers.

Influencer Marketing

Move over paid ads, influencer marketing is here to save the day. Ecommerce businesses are jumping on the influencer bandwagon because it’s a more authentic way to reach potential customers. No more eye-rolling at those annoying ads.

Why Influencer Marketing?

Influencers have a massive online presence and a loyal following. Teaming up with influencers who align with your brand can help you tap into their audience and gain awareness. It’s like borrowing their coolness factor.

A successful influencer marketing campaign involves creating engaging content that seamlessly features your products. Whether it’s unboxing videos, product reviews, or sponsored posts on Instagram or YouTube, the goal is to provide valuable content that speaks to your target customers.

But wait, there’s more. Influencer marketing also helps with SEO by getting backlinks from high-authority sites. Plus, it boosts conversion rates by using user-generated content like customer testimonials and reviews. It’s like a double whammy of awesomeness.

In a nutshell, influencer marketing is the key element that can turbocharge your ecommerce strategy. It’s like having a cool friend vouch for your store, making customers trust you more. So go ahead, embrace the power of influencers and watch your business soar.

Creating a Killer Value Proposition Statement

In the cutthroat world of ecommerce, a killer value proposition statement is a must-have. It’s like a superhero cape that sets you apart from the competition and shows potential customers why they should choose you. So, let’s craft a statement that will make your rivals green with envy.

Crafting a Value Proposition That Packs a Punch

To create a value proposition that knocks it out of the park, start by pinpointing what makes your products special. Are they more affordable? Do they offer top-notch quality? Or maybe they come with mind-blowing customer support?

Once you’ve identified the key points, craft a message that speaks directly to your target audience. Keep it simple, but make it irresistible. This isn’t just about listing features – it’s about showcasing the benefits too.

For example, check out this killer value proposition: “Our eco-friendly yoga mats are as tough as nails, super comfy, and they save the planet. Namaste, Mother Earth.”

This statement clearly spells out what the product is (eco-friendly yoga mats), its unique qualities (tough and comfy), and the cherry on top (saving the planet). It’s a triple threat that will make customers flock to your online store instead of others.

Remember, creating a killer value proposition means understanding your customers’ needs and staying on top of market trends. So, don’t be shy about asking for feedback or doing some keyword research to fine-tune your statement.

Optimizing Promotional Strategies Across Channels

The success of your online store is contingent on how effectively you market it. From traditional ads to influencer marketing, each strategy plays a vital role in reaching your target audience.

Using SWOT Analysis For Better Promotion

A SWOT analysis helps fine-tune your promotional efforts. It identifies your strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats.

  • Strengths: What makes your store stand out? Superior products? Exceptional service? Unique offerings?
  • Weaknesses: Areas that need improvement. Complicated checkout? Lack of engaging content?
  • Opportunities: Emerging trends that can fuel growth. Is there a demand for eco-friendly products?
  • Threats: External factors that can impact sales. Increasing competition? Changing consumer behavior?

Incorporate this analysis into your ecommerce marketing plan for maximum returns. Give customers what they want most – value.

Review Expenses Vs Revenue Generated

In the world of ecommerce marketing, it’s crucial to keep a close eye on your financials. Don’t let your expenses run wild like a toddler in a candy store. Examine the discrepancy between your expenditures and earnings.

Calculating profits is important, but it’s not just about the money, honey. It’s about understanding how well your ecommerce store is doing and where you can make improvements. It’s like giving your business a check-up to keep it healthy and thriving.

  • Ad Spend: Are your ads bringing in the big bucks or just burning a hole in your pocket? Monitor your ad expenditure and ascertain if it’s a worthwhile outlay.
  • Email Campaigns: Email marketing can be a goldmine, but only if it’s actually working. Check those open rates, click-through rates, and conversion rates to see if your emails are hitting the mark.
  • Sales Promotions: Are your promotions actually promoting sales or are they just draining your bank account? Ensure you’re obtaining the most value for your money.

The objective isn’t to be overly thrifty, but rather to act like a wise entrepreneur who is able to make sound choices. By keeping a close eye on your expenses and revenue, you’ll be able to steer your ecommerce ship towards success.

FAQs in Relation to How to Write an Ecommerce Marketing Plan

How often should I revisit and update my ecommerce marketing plan?

The ecommerce landscape is constantly changing due to new technologies, consumer behaviors, and market trends. Ideally, you should revisit your ecommerce marketing plan at least quarterly. This will allow you to make. adjustments based on performance metrics, changes in the market, and new opportunities or challenges that may have arisen

How can I effectively measure the ROI (Return on Investment) of my ecommerce marketing efforts?

Measuring the ROI of your ecommerce marketing efforts involves tracking key performance indicators (KPIs) like website traffic, conversion rates, customer acquisition cost, customer lifetime value, and sales revenue. Utilize analytics tools like Google Analytics, SEMrush, or specialized ecommerce analytics software to monitor these metrics. Comparing these KPIs against your marketing expenses will give you a clear picture of your ROI.

Is influencer marketing suitable for all types of ecommerce businesses?

Influencer marketing can be highly effective, but it’s not one-size-fits-all. It’s particularly impactful for brands targeting younger audiences who frequently engage with social media personalities. If your products have a visual or lifestyle element, influencer marketing can be a good fit. However, for highly specialized or B2B ecommerce markets, other types of marketing like SEO, content marketing, or LinkedIn advertising might be more effective.

What are some common mistakes to avoid when crafting a value proposition for my ecommerce store?

Common mistakes include being too vague, focusing solely on features rather than benefits, or failing to differentiate your offering from competitors. Your value proposition should be concise yet informative, highlighting what makes your product or service unique and why customers should choose you over competitors. It’s essential to test different versions of your value proposition to see which one resonates the most with your target audience.

By carefully considering these questions, you can fine-tune your ecommerce marketing plan to better meet your objectives and overcome challenges. This, in turn, will help you create a more successful and profitable online business.



Here’s how to write an ecommerce marketing plan that actually works:

Assess your store’s current state, define your brand messages and target market, run sales generating campaigns, use in-house teams or outside agencies, analyze competitors and do keyword research, create engaging content and use social media, try influencer marketing, craft a clear value proposition, optimize your promotional strategies, and review expenses versus revenue.

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