Maximizing Klaviyo: Determine Recipients at Send Time

October 4, 2023
Kenny Trusnik

Determine Recipients at Send Time Klaviyo is a game-changer for email marketers.

This feature, when used effectively, can revolutionize your campaign strategies.

Imagine having the ability to send emails exactly when they’re most likely to be opened and read by each individual recipient. Sounds impressive, right?

Well, that’s what Determine Recipients at Send Time Klaviyo offers you – a dynamic way of reaching out to your audience based on their engagement patterns.

Table of Contents

Unpacking Klaviyo's "Determine Recipients at Send Time" Feature

In the realm of email marketing, understanding your audience is key. The dynamic recipient determination feature in Klaviyo empowers you to do just that.

This ability can significantly elevate your campaigns by ensuring each message lands in a relevant inbox.

The Intricacies of Dynamic Recipient Determination

Determining recipients dynamically means adjusting who receives an email based on live data at send time. Rather than creating a static list during campaign setup, this method identifies suitable recipients right before dispatching the mail.

This approach capitalizes on current information about subscribers’ actions and their stage within the customer journey. This results in more timely communication with each subscriber and improved relevance – both critical factors for engagement rates.

“Determine Recipients at Send Time”: A Key Player in Email Marketing

The role of “Determine Recipients at Send Time”, as facilitated by Klaviyo, cannot be overstated when it comes to optimizing email marketing campaigns. By deciding upon recipients just prior to sending out emails, there are increased opportunities for personalized interaction with customers or prospects.

This strategy aids open rates since subscribers are likely to engage more with content they find pertinent and well-timed. Consequently, we see enhanced campaign effectiveness leading towards superior overall performance metrics for digital marketing efforts.

As we progress further into maximizing this functionality within our own campaigns, let’s transition onto how one can set up Klaviyo specifically for dynamic recipient determination.

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Configuring Klaviyo for Dynamic Recipient Determination: A Step-by-Step Guide

It begins with creating your recipient list, which forms the backbone of your campaign.

Firstly, contacts need to be imported or added into Klaviyo. Contacts can be added into Klaviyo either manually or through integrations with e-commerce platforms such as Shopify and Magento. Remember that each contact must have given consent for their information to be used in this manner.

The next step involves segmenting this list based on criteria relevant to your business – like purchase history, demographic details, or behavioral patterns. These segments are dynamic; they update automatically over time due to changes in customer behavior and other factors.

Dynamically Segmenting Your Audience

To create these dynamic segments within Klaviyo, navigate towards Lists & Segments from the dashboard menu, then click ‘Create List/Segment’. Choose ‘Segment’ and set up conditions that match your target audience profile.

A key part of effectively setting up Klaviyo lies in regularly reviewing and updating these segments so they remain relevant as consumer trends evolve. If you’re an online fashion retailer targeting customers interested in sustainable products but notice a growing trend among consumers favoring locally made items, adjust accordingly.

Scheduling Emails Dynamically

With defined lists and segments ready, now comes the part where we actually put them into action: creating an email campaign. When scheduling emails within the campaigns section, make sure to select the option “Determine Recipients at Send Time”. This allows the system to decide who should receive a particular message the moment it’s sent out, rather than when initially scheduled.

This method ensures maximum relevance because recipients are chosen based on the most recent data available about them right before sending off emails – not days or weeks ago during the planning stage.


Key Takeaway: 

Master the game of email marketing with Klaviyo by dynamically determining recipients at send time. Import contacts, create dynamic segments based on relevant criteria, and keep them updated to reflect evolving consumer trends. When scheduling emails, choose “Determine Recipients at Send Time” for maximum relevance – it’s all about striking while the iron is hot.

Using API for Dynamic Recipient Determination in Klaviyo

APIs have revolutionized email marketing, completely transforming the way we send campaigns. One of the most powerful features offered by Klaviyo is the ability to dynamically determine recipients at send time. This means that instead of selecting recipients when creating a campaign, you can now decide who receives your emails right before they are sent out. This feature provides incredible flexibility and ensures that only relevant audiences receive specific campaigns. To take advantage of this functionality using Klaviyo’s API, it is essential to familiarize yourself with their extensive documentation. By understanding how to integrate with the platform and utilize its features, you can maximize the benefits of dynamic recipient determination in your email marketing strategy.

The Mechanics Behind It

The journey starts when you craft a campaign in Klaviyo but refrain from specifying any recipients initially. Instead, you schedule the send time for your email blast without assigning any particular audience segment or list as recipients.

Then comes into play an HTTP POST request made via Klaviyo’s API endpoint before dispatching the emails; dynamically determining who will be receiving them based on up-to-date data from your system such as customer behavior or recent purchases which may influence segmentation criteria like interest level or product relevance.

Beyond Email Campaigns

This functionality isn’t limited just to email campaigns; it can also be harnessed for other types of digital communication strategies where real-time recipient determination proves beneficial such as SMS messaging or push notifications.

Unlocking the Potential of "Determine Recipients on Send Time" for SMS Campaigns

The ‘Determine Recipients at Send Time’ feature in Klaviyo is a game-changer. Primarily used in email marketing, this function can transform your approach to scheduling SMS campaigns.

A New Approach to Scheduling

This innovative functionality lets you choose recipients right before an SMS campaign goes live. Instead of selecting contacts during setup, it allows real-time selection based on fresh data and behavioral triggers.

Imagine running a campaign aimed at customers who have made recent purchases but haven’t left reviews yet. With this function, only those fitting these criteria when the message is sent will receive it. It’s all about precision and flexibility that traditional scheduling methods can’t match.

Growth Opportunities with Real-Time Sending

Determining recipients just before sending offers several advantages for businesses seeking more effective communication strategies. By ensuring messages are sent only to relevant individuals based on their latest actions or status updates, companies may see increased engagement from their SMS campaigns.

Beyond boosting customer engagement levels, there’s also potential cost savings involved here too. Given that text messaging often charges per recipient or volume sent out, focusing on relevancy over quantity could save costs while maximizing returns.

As we delve into our next topic about optimizing email templates for dynamic sending times, remember: timing isn’t everything; what content you’re delivering and whom it reaches matter just as much.

Optimizing Your Email Templates for Dynamic Sending Times

But what about the design of your emails? What part do email designs play? Let’s explore.

Crafting visually appealing yet easily understandable material that strikes a chord with your readers is key, no matter when they open their inbox.

Email Templates and Template Editor: A Game Changer

From subject lines to call-to-action buttons, every detail matters. The power lies in understanding how different elements within an email template impact engagement levels.

A robust template editor gives you flexibility while ensuring compatibility across various devices and mail clients. It’s like having a hidden advantage in your corner.

Crafting Effective Emails: More Than Just Looks

An effective email isn’t just about looks; it needs substance too. Clear messaging coupled with an intuitive layout guides readers through the content seamlessly.

  • Your choice of colors, fonts, and images all contribute to making an engaging read regardless of when it arrives in a recipient’s inbox.
  • Remember not to overload information as this might deter potential customers from reading further or taking action on your offer.

Testing and Analyzing Your Send Times with Klaviyo

Email marketing, when utilized properly, can be a powerful method of connecting with your customers. To maximize your email marketing’s effectiveness, you must identify the ideal send times. This is where Klaviyo comes in handy.

The Art of Conducting Tests

To find those golden hours when your audience is most likely to engage with your emails, you first need to conduct tests. How do we conduct these tests?

Start by dividing your email list into different groups. Each group should receive emails at varying times throughout the day or week – this allows for an unbiased comparison between different sending schedules.

Your main focus during these tests should be on open rates and click-through rates (CTRs). These metrics are like breadcrumbs leading towards the time slots that promise maximum engagement from your audience.

Analyzing Results: The Key To Success

Moving onto analyzing results; patterns will start emerging as soon as testing begins. Certain days or specific hours may yield higher open rates than others – these are prime opportunities waiting to be seized.

Klaviyo’s analytics tools simplify data visualization which makes spotting trends easier and quicker so that adjustments can be made accordingly. Bear in mind though – consistency matters. A few initial test runs won’t provide enough data for reliable conclusions; it takes time before results become statistically significant enough to guide decisions effectively.

  1. Audience Segmentation: Divide subscribers into multiple groups based on demographics or behavior patterns.
  2. Sending Schedule Testing: Test various sending schedules across all segments.
  3. Data Analysis: Use Klaviyo’s analytics tools to analyze open rate and CTRs.

This three-step process ensures every campaign sent via Klaviyo not only achieves better engagement but also improved conversions over time. We’ve covered how testing send times works using Klaviyo, next let’s delve deeper into advanced strategies that could potentially supercharge this further


Key Takeaway: 

Unlock the power of email marketing with Klaviyo by testing send times, analyzing results for trends, and segmenting your audience. It’s not rocket science; it’s about following the breadcrumbs of open rates and click-throughs to find those golden hours.

Advanced Techniques for Maximizing the Benefits of Dynamic Sending Times

When it comes to email marketing, the timing of delivery is essential. And with dynamic sending times, you can hit your audience’s inbox when they’re most likely to engage.

The question now is how do we maximize these benefits? The answer lies in advanced strategies like audience segmentation based on engagement patterns and taking advantage of time zone differences.

Audience Segmentation Based on Engagement Patterns

By leveraging audience segmentation based on engagement patterns, you can provide tailored experiences to each group and maximize the effectiveness of your emails by sending them at optimal times. This allows you to send emails at optimal times that match each group’s unique habits and preferences.

If this sounds complex, don’t worry. Platforms like Klaviyo offer segmentation features, providing detailed insights into customer behaviors so you can optimize your send times effectively.

Taking Advantage of Time Zone Differences

Another powerful strategy involves considering the geographical location of recipients. If your business operates across multiple time zones or even internationally, adjusting email send times accordingly ensures customers receive communications during their active hours rather than off-peak periods.

This not only improves open rates but also enhances overall customer experience as they receive timely messages from you. Tools within platforms such as Klaviyo automatically adjust send times according to the recipient’s timezone – making life easier for marketers.

Email Content Optimization According To Send Times

Last but not least is optimizing content according to preferred send times. When an email hits the inbox at just the right moment with relevant and timely content – conversions are bound to increase. While promotional offers might work best in early morning sends, news updates could perform better later in the day.

Remember: relevance + timeliness = successful engagement.

These techniques have proven effective in maximizing benefits derived from dynamic sending schedules provided by platforms like Klaviyo. Stay tuned because next up we’ll explore how monitoring campaign performance plays a crucial role in refining these strategies further.


Key Takeaway: 

Maximize your email marketing impact with Klaviyo’s dynamic sending times by segmenting audiences based on engagement patterns, leveraging time zone differences, and optimizing content according to send times. Remember, the perfect blend of relevance and timeliness drives successful engagement.

Monitoring Your Campaign Performance Based on Send Times

Have you ever wondered how the timing of your email campaigns affects their performance? It is evident that the timing of email campaigns has a major effect on their success. With Klaviyo’s reporting features, you can monitor this impact and adjust accordingly.

The Role of Timing in Email Marketing

Your audience isn’t always online at the same time or even on the same days. Therefore, understanding when they are most active can help improve engagement with your emails. But how do you figure out these optimal send times?

Klaviyo’s analytics tools provide insights into subscriber activity patterns that can guide more effective scheduling for your email campaigns.

Utilizing Klaviyo’s Reporting Features

Klaviyo equips businesses with reporting features, enabling them to track campaign performances across different hours and days effectively. This data-driven approach helps identify high-performance windows for sending emails, leading to better open rates and conversions.

Focusing on Key Metrics

In analyzing an email campaign’s success, there are certain metrics that stand out: Open Rate (OR), Click-Through Rate (CTR), Conversion Rate (CR), as well as Bounce Rates and Unsubscribe Rates. Each one provides unique insight into user behavior influenced by various factors, including send times.

The next step after mastering monitoring techniques is learning about dynamic sending times.

Ready to explore best practices for implementing dynamic sending times in your strategy? Let’s dive deeper.

Unlocking the Potential of Dynamic Sending Times in Email Campaigns

Email marketing isn’t just about crafting compelling content; it’s also about timing. The power of dynamic sending times can significantly boost your email engagement rates.

How do you go about utilizing this tactic? Let’s delve into some best practices.

The Power of Recipient Behavior Analysis

Your first step should be to analyze recipient behavior. Platforms like Klaviyo offer invaluable insights into when your audience is most active and responsive to emails.

This data serves as a guidepost for determining optimal send times. Don’t forget to factor in timezone differences if you cater to an international clientele – nobody appreciates middle-of-the-night emails.

The Magic of A/B Testing

A/B testing is another potent tool for pinpointing ideal send times. By creating two versions of the same campaign with different delivery schedules, you can compare engagement metrics and identify what works best.

Remember, during these tests, keep all other variables constant – altering multiple factors at once could lead to misleading results regarding which changes drove shifts in engagement levels.

Leveraging AI-Powered Tools

To further simplify the process, consider using AI-powered tools such as Klaviyo’s Send Time Optimization feature. This tool uses machine learning algorithms that predict optimal send times based on past user interactions with your campaigns.

No longer does effective implementation of dynamic sending practices have to be time-consuming or resource-intensive. With advanced predictive technologies available today, businesses big and small are better equipped than ever before.

FAQs in Relation to Determine Recipients at Send Time Klaviyo

How do you do a send time test in Klaviyo?

In Klaviyo, conduct a send time test by creating an A/B split campaign. Assign different sending times to each group and analyze the results for optimal engagement.

What time does Klaviyo send emails?

Klaviyo sends emails based on your scheduling preferences. The “Determine Recipients at Send Time” feature allows dynamic timing for maximum recipient engagement.

What is smart send time?

Smart Send Time is an AI-driven feature that determines the best time to dispatch email campaigns based on previous user interaction data.

What is total recipients in Klaviyo?

Total recipients in Klaviyo refers to the number of unique individuals who are scheduled to receive a particular email or SMS campaign.


This dynamic recipient determination tool offers a new level of personalization and engagement for your campaigns.

You’ve learned how to configure this feature in Klaviyo, use API for further customization, and even apply it to SMS campaigns.

We delved into optimizing email templates for dynamic sending times and testing these send times effectively.

Advanced techniques were also explored that will take your campaign performance monitoring to another level.

If you’re ready to elevate your business with strategic digital marketing solutions like this one from Klaviyo, Forest City Digital is here for you.

An eCommerce marketing agency specializing in SEO, Google Ads, and email marketing services tailored specifically for small-to-medium sized businesses can help make sense of all these tools while driving growth through effective online strategies.

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