Boost Sales with Abandoned Cart Klaviyo Email Strategies

July 28, 2023
Kenny Trusnik

Abandoned shopping carts are a significant concern for eCommerce business owners, and Klaviyo’s default abandoned cart flow can be an effective solution. This powerful tool offers a comprehensive approach to re-engaging customers who have left items in their online baskets without completing the purchase.

In this post, we will delve into setting up successful abandoned cart flows with Klaviyo and how timing considerations play a crucial role in sending out reminders. We’ll also explore integrating OptiMonk’s Cart Abandonment Popups to enhance your strategy further.

Beyond these tools, we’ll discuss combining Klaviyo’s abandoned cart emails with OptiMonk for maximum effectiveness and personalizing communication based on customer behavior data. Finally, we’ll share proven tactics to reduce instances of cart abandonment learned from successful brand strategies. All these insights aim to help you create well-designed abandoned cart emails that bring customers back.

Table of Contents

Leveraging Klaviyo’s Abandoned Cart Email Flow

Dealing with abandoned carts? Klaviyo’s got your back. Their default abandoned cart flow can help you bring those customers back and seal the deal.

Setting up a Successful Abandoned Cart Reminder Flow

Ready to get started? Log into your Klaviyo account, head to Flows, and hit “Create Flow”. Choose from their pre-built abandoned cart flows or customize your own.

  • Create trigger filters: Set conditions for when emails should be sent. For example, if a cart is worth over $50, send a reminder.
  • Add emails to your flow: Send 2-3 abandoned cart messages. The first can be a gentle reminder, while the rest can include discounts or special offers.
  • Analyze and optimize: Keep an eye on open rates and conversion rates to fine-tune your strategy over time.

Timing Considerations for Sending Out Reminders

Timing is everything. According to Klaviyo’s Abandoned Cart Benchmark Report, send the first email within 1 hour, followed by additional ones after 24 and 72 hours if needed. Consider testing different time frames to determine what works best for your audience.

Pro tip: A well-designed abandoned cart email doesn’t just remind, it provides value too.

Integrating OptiMonk’s Cart Abandonment Popups

In the world of eCommerce, every potential customer counts. So, let’s stop those pesky cart abandonments and boost conversions by integrating OptiMonk’s Cart Abandonment Popups into your online platform.

Choosing the Perfect Popup Templates

Step one: pick a popup template from OptiMonk’s collection. They’re designed to enhance user experience without being annoying. Whether you want something simple or eye-catching, there’s a template that matches your brand and message.

Consider your audience, their preferences, and what offer will make them click that “buy” button. Remember, relevance is key.

Exit-Intent Technology for the Win

Exit-intent technology is a game-changer. With OptiMonk, you can capture visitors’ attention just as they’re about to leave. It’s your last chance to offer discounts or incentives and convince them to stay and complete their purchase.

  • Grab their attention one last time,
  • Offer exclusive discounts or incentives,
  • And watch those abandoned carts disappear.

Implement these popups correctly, with relevant offers and attractive designs based on consumer insights, and you’ll see a significant reduction in cart abandonments and a boost in conversion rates. It’s a win-win.

Combining Klaviyo and OptiMonk For Maximum Effectiveness

In the world of eCommerce, combining powerful tools like Klaviyo’s default abandoned cart flow and OptiMonk’s Cart Abandonment Popups can significantly boost your sales recovery strategy. This integrated approach enables you to provide extra incentives within emails sent out during the abandoned cart process, thereby increasing click-through rates leading to more conversions or sales recovery.

Adding Extra Incentives in Emails Within The Abandoned Cart Process

The first step towards integrating these two platforms is setting up your Klaviyo account for sending 2-3 abandoned cart messages. These are not just any ordinary emails; they should be well-designed abandoned cart email templates that include special offers or discounts as an incentive for customers to complete their purchase.

Klaviyo’s pre-built abandoned cart flows make this task easier by providing customizable email templates that allow you to add product images, prices, and even a countdown timer indicating when the offer expires. You can also set up separate abandoned cart flows based on customer behavior data such as how long ago they left items in their shopping carts.

An example of an abandoned cart with incentive to buy their abandoned product.

Increasing Click-Through Rates Using Combined Strategies

The second part of this integration involves using OptiMonk’s exit-intent technology which detects when visitors are about to leave your website without completing their purchase. When this happens, a popup appears offering them one last chance at conversion before abandoning their shopping carts completely.

  • This combination of strategies has been proven effective in reducing instances related to cart abandonment over time.
  • A study featured in Klaviyo’s latest abandoned cart benchmark report suggests that brands utilizing both methods have seen an increase in click-through rates by up to 10% compared with those only using one method.

If done correctly, integrating these two platforms will enable you not only to recover potential lost sales but also gain valuable insights into why customers abandon their carts in the first place. This information can then be used for further optimization efforts aimed at improving the overall user experience on your eCommerce platform, thereby driving higher conversion rates over time. Remember: every visitor who abandons a shopping basket represents missed revenue opportunities – so it pays off investing some effort into developing an effective strategy around minimizing instances related to online shoppers leaving behind filled baskets midway through checkout processes.


Key Takeaway: 

Combining Klaviyo’s abandoned cart flow with OptiMonk’s Cart Abandonment Popups can boost sales recovery. By sending well-designed emails with special offers and using exit-intent popups, businesses can increase click-through rates and recover potential lost sales while gaining insights into why customers abandon their carts.

Example of an abandoned cart email flow for email marketing.

Successful Tactics To Reduce Cart Abandonment

But fear not. Some clever brands have found ways to tackle this issue and boost their sales. Take Hanes, for example. They came up with a genius plan involving expiration dates on discount offers.

Expiration Date Tactics for Discounts

Hanes discovered that by putting expiration dates on their discount offers during checkout, they could nudge customers to make faster decisions. This sense of urgency reduces cart abandonment and leads to better results.

This tactic works because of something called scarcity bias. People value things more when they think they’re limited or time-sensitive. By using scarcity marketing, you can motivate customers to complete their purchases instead of abandoning their carts.

Learning from Successful Brands

The key takeaway from Hanes’ approach is not just about using expiration dates, but understanding why these strategies work. It’s all about creating urgency and making customers feel like they’ll miss out if they don’t act fast.

Other successful brands, like Amazon, have used similar strategies with great success. They use urgency cues like low stock warnings and countdown timers to drive quick purchase decisions.

  • Tactic 1: Use clear messaging – Let shoppers know when an offer ends or how much stock is left.
  • Tactic 2: Leverage email reminders – Send timely emails reminding customers about expiring discounts.
  • Tactic 3: Highlight exclusivity – Emphasize that certain deals are exclusive or available for a limited time.
  • Tactic 4: Offer incentives – Provide extra perks like free shipping or gift wrapping for orders completed within a specific timeframe.

To sum up: Using expiration date tactics, along with personalized communication based on customer behavior data, can reduce cart abandonment and boost your business performance. So why wait? Start implementing these proven tactics today.


Key Takeaway: 

Learn how to reduce cart abandonment and boost your eCommerce sales with tactics used by successful brands like Hanes and Amazon. By creating a sense of urgency through expiration dates, clear messaging, email reminders, exclusivity, and incentives, you can motivate customers to complete their purchases instead of abandoning their carts. Start implementing these proven tactics today.

Successful Tactics To Reduce Cart Abandonment

But fear not. Some clever brands have found ways to tackle this issue and boost their sales. Take Hanes, for example. They came up with a genius plan involving expiration dates on discount offers.

Expiration Date Tactics for Discounts

Hanes discovered that by putting expiration dates on their discount offers during checkout, they could nudge customers to make faster decisions. This sense of urgency reduces cart abandonment and leads to better results.

This tactic works because of something called scarcity bias. People value things more when they think they’re limited or time-sensitive. By using scarcity marketing, you can motivate customers to complete their purchases instead of abandoning their carts.

Learning from Successful Brands

The key takeaway from Hanes’ approach is not just about using expiration dates, but understanding why these strategies work. It’s all about creating urgency and making customers feel like they’ll miss out if they don’t act fast.

Other successful brands, like Amazon, have used similar strategies with great success. They use urgency cues like low stock warnings and countdown timers to drive quick purchase decisions.

  • Tactic 1: Use clear messaging – Let shoppers know when an offer ends or how much stock is left.
  • Tactic 2: Leverage email reminders – Send timely emails reminding customers about expiring discounts.
  • Tactic 3: Highlight exclusivity – Emphasize that certain deals are exclusive or available for a limited time.
  • Tactic 4: Offer incentives – Provide extra perks like free shipping or gift wrapping for orders completed within a specific timeframe.

To sum up: Using expiration date tactics, along with personalized communication based on customer behavior data, can reduce cart abandonment and boost your business performance. So why wait? Start implementing these proven tactics today.


Key Takeaway: 

Learn how to reduce cart abandonment and boost your eCommerce sales with tactics used by successful brands like Hanes and Amazon. By creating a sense of urgency through expiration dates, clear messaging, email reminders, exclusivity, and incentives, you can motivate customers to complete their purchases instead of abandoning their carts. Start implementing these proven tactics today.

FAQs in Relation to Abandoned Cart Klaviyo

What is the abandonment rate for Klaviyo carts?

The average cart abandonment rate across all industries is around 69.57%, according to the Baymard Institute. Don’t let that discourage you.

Yes, it’s totally legal to send abandoned cart emails as long as you follow the rules of the CAN-SPAM Act, GDPR in Europe, and CASL in Canada. No spamming, please.

How effective are abandoned cart emails?

According to Klaviyo data, businesses see an average open rate of 41% and a click-through rate of nearly 10% from their abandoned cart email campaigns. That’s some serious persuasion power.

What should I write in an abandoned cart email?

Your message should remind customers about the items they left behind, offer assistance if they had any issues during the checkout process, provide customer reviews or testimonials for the product(s), and include clear call-to-action buttons back to their carts. Time to win them back.


By leveraging Klaviyo’s abandoned cart email flow and integrating OptiMonk’s cart abandonment popups, eCommerce business owners can effectively reduce instances of abandoned carts.

Setting up a successful abandoned cart reminder flow with proper timing considerations ensures that customers receive timely reminders to complete their purchase.

Additionally, utilizing OptiMonk’s exit-intent technology and choosing suitable popup templates enhances the chances of capturing customer attention before they leave the website.

Combining Klaviyo and OptiMonk allows for maximum effectiveness in reducing cart abandonment.

By adding extra incentives in emails within the abandoned cart process and increasing click-through rates using combined strategies, businesses can encourage customers to return to their carts and complete their purchases.

Furthermore, personalizing communication based on customer behavior data and including product details in email subject lines helps create a more personalized experience for customers.

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